
Karl Pfeffer Wiki – Karl Pfeffer Biography

WARSAW, POLAND: An American man asked not to be portrayed in the media as a “psychopath” after brutally murdering his elderly mother, cutting her to pieces and dumping her remains in a river. Karl Pfeffer , 28, who was arrested last October on an FBI international arrest warrant after fleeing Warsaw, Poland, told the court that he “was not a threat to society.” After smiling at court photographers in the Polish capital, Pfeffer told the judges: “I don’t want to look like a psychopath in the media, I don’t want to be the next Jeffrey Dahmer.”

The 28-year-old man allegedly lived off his 71-year-old mother, Gretchen Pfeffer, a wealthy widow. Pfeffer said in court: “Let me admit that I buried the body in the river and explain why this person is dead. If I were to say what my mother did in the US, she would be publicly executed. She would be crucified in Seattle.” . Pfeffer said that of the “hundreds of good relationships he has around the world,” it was his relationship with his mother “that turned sour.” He added: “She went from being totally cultured and friendly to being downright vulgar.” I don’t want to be treated like a murderer and a psychopath. I honestly want to go back to the beach. I’m not a threat to society.”

Karl Pfeffer Age

The age of Karl Pfeffer is 28 years.


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Karl Pfeffer killed his own mother

Pfeffer’s mother, whose body has yet to be found, was described as “sociable, intelligent and communicative”, according to the DailyMail. People close to Gretchen said her relationship with her son was reportedly strained. According to witnesses, Pfeffer refused to work, used drugs and was financially dependent on her. He allegedly also became violent towards her.

According to a court document, one of her friends “told investigators that Gretchen Pfeffer confided to her that Karl Pfeffer had hit her over the head with a frying pan during one of her arguments.” In addition, Pfeffer is said to have used his credit cards even after he moved out of his shared apartment “until his family blocked them.” He then asked his then-girlfriend, who was only posing as IBK, to call the bank and use his mother’s documents to try to reopen the accounts.

As of that day [March 31], all in-person contact with Gretchen’s friends has stopped, and the occasional social media post or message sent from her phone was strikingly different from Gretchen’s typical style and the way she she wrote,” Polish investigators said. of Gretchen after she was last seen in late March 2020. After seeing her things missing from her apartment, police concluded that “on March 31, 2020 or April 1, 2020, Karl Pfeffer killed his mother Gretchen in their Warsaw home “apartment.” A thorough investigation revealed that Pfeffer purchased a handsaw and duct tape on April 1, according to the outlet.


As he flew away from the scene, Pfeffer was tracked down six months later. He was later questioned by the FBI, where he confessed to the murder and described how he dismembered the body and packed the remains into six bags before dumping them in the Vistula River. However, according to the arrest warrant issued by the US Attorney’s Office, Pfeffer had already confessed to his half-sister, Michelle Pfeffer.

According to the DailyMail, Pfeffer’s lawyers have called for his release based on “lack of evidence” and “poor health”. Speaking on behalf of the defence, Grzegorz Roman said: “The evidence does not provide grounds to justify any of the accusations against Karl. If the body had really been dismembered, it would be easier to find at least parts of this body. Dismemberment of a body always increases the probability of finding at least one of its parts, that’s an obvious conclusion. But no part could be found.”Read More……

He further added that being in pretrial detention “for about two years has had a negative impact on his mental state. Unfortunately, this affects the defendant’s state of health. He does not adequately tolerate such a long period of pretrial detention. I am requesting the repeal of the current precautionary measure, which is now approaching two years.” However, Judge Agnieszka Domańska did not rule in favor of the defendant, saying Pfeffer was a “flight risk because the charges against him carry life imprisonment.” The trial will resume on February 10.


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