
John Bates Wiki-John Bates Biography

A US judge has withdrawn a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for ordering the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi on Tuesday, December 6, after President Joe Biden determined he possessed “sovereign immunity”. . Judge John Bates, a district court judge in Washington, DC, declared the claims “credible” and was “uneasy” about dismissing the case.

The Daily Mail reported that the decision effectively ended any attempt to hold Prince Mohammed bin Salman accountable in a US court. President Biden was accused of violating Khashoggi’s memory when the State Department declared the crown prince exempt from prosecution.

In December 2001, Judge Bates entered office as a federal district judge. In 1968, he graduated from Wesleyan University and in 1976 earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Maryland School of Law. He served in the US Army from 1968 to 1971, including a stint in Vietnam. He was appointed by Chief Justice Roberts to the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2006.


He presided over the court from 2009 to 2013, when he ended his term there. He was subsequently appointed by Chief Justice Roberts to the position of Director of the Administrative Office of the US Courts, a position he held until January 1, 2015, with the approval of the Judicial Conference. . Bates has chaired the Judicial Conference Civil Rules Advisory Committee since 2015.

John Bates Age

The age of John Bates is not known.

John Bates-US judge DROPS lawsuit accusing Saudi Crown Prince

Khashoggi disappeared without a trace after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018. Saudi officials are believed to have killed him, mutilated his body and then disposed of his remains in garbage bags. Despite the fact that MBS had just been elected prime minister six days before the Biden administration determined that he had immunity, Judge Bates asserted in his written judgment that the State Department’s decision had rendered him impotent.


He wrote: “Despite the court’s concern, both about the circumstances of bin Salman’s appointment and about the credible allegations of his involvement in the Khashoggi assassination, the United States has informed the court that it is immune and therefore , bin Salman has the right to head of state immunity… as long as he remains in office.” He added: “Consequently, the claims against bin Salman will be dismissed on the basis of the immunity of the head of state.”

In an effort to seek revenge for Khashoggi’s murder, his fiancée Hatice Cengiz and the Middle Eastern human rights advocacy group DAWN filed the lawsuit. US resident Khashoggi entered the consulate on October 2, 2018 to obtain the documentation he needed to get married. He never left the room. Khashoggi allegedly screamed in pain as he was led from the Saudi consul-general’s office to a table in the adjacent studio, injected with an “unknown drug” and surgically dissected, according to an audio recording purportedly taken from Khashoggi’s Apple Watch.

Khashoggi was received inside the consulate by a group of 15 Saudi agents who had traveled to Turkey. They included members of the intelligence community, security personnel and staff from the crown prince’s office. Turkish authorities say Khashoggi was killed and then mutilated with a bone cutter. The assassination, according to US intelligence officials, was carried out by MBS.


According to the Reuters report, when Biden visited Saudi Arabia in July to address oil and security issues, he drew criticism for punching the crown prince. According to the White House, Biden told Prince Mohammed Bin Salman that he held him responsible for Khashoggi’s murder. Earlier, in Washington Post articles, Khashoggi had attacked the crown prince’s policies.

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