
Layton Darwood Wiki – Layton Darwood Biography

A five-year-old boy who was sent to buy sweets for a family picnic was crushed to death under the wheels of a van after bending down to tie his shoelaces. Disqualified driver Darren Jacques, 40, was found guilty of causing the death of Layton Darwood in Fenham, Newcastle, on August 24, 2020. Five-year-old Layton had been with three other children and had gone to a nearby store to buy candy and supplies for a picnic after the oldest of the group received a bank card.

CCTV footage showed how Jacques parked his Ford Transit Tipper on a pavement before running into a shop and grabbing a bottle of alcohol. He was then seen leaving the store and running alongside Layton and the other children as he returned to his truck. But while Jacques’ vehicle was stopped, Layton climbed into the trailer. As Jacques began to walk away, the young man fell to the ground and the wheels of the trailer rolled on him, causing fatal injuries.

The trial heard that Layton could have gotten his shoelaces caught before he fell under the wheels. The five-year-old boy died after falling under the trailer of Jacques’ Ford Transit Tipper. Jacques, of Hutton Hill, Penrith, Cumbria, had been tried at Newcastle Crown Court charged with causing death by driving while disqualified. Today, a 12-person jury found Jacques guilty of the charge.


Layton Darwood Age

The age of Layton Darwood was 5 year.

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Layton Darwood  cause of death

Jacques had been working in Fenham that day and had finished his shift when he pulled into the local garage after “riding the curb” in the van, which was pulling a trailer with a small digger on the back. As Jacques began to walk away, Layton fell to the ground and the wheels of the trailer rolled on top of him, causing fatal injuries.

Giving evidence during the trial, Northumbria Police forensic collision investigator Sergeant Alan Keenleyside told the jury that in his opinion Jacques knew the children were there and that he should have taken “greater care” in driving away. .  When police arrived, Jacques gave a false name and false details about his date of birth and address. He later admitted his real name and said he “panicked.” Emergency efforts were then made to try to save Layton’s life, but he was pronounced dead at the hospital that same day.


A post-mortem examination found that the force of the wheels passing over Layton would explain his fatal injuries. A statement issued by Layton’s mother, Stephany, on behalf of the family said: “We are devastated by what happened and miss Layton beyond words. He was a loving and happy boy with his whole life ahead of him and our worst nightmare came true the day we lost him.

“Although some kind of justice has been done today, it is a very bittersweet situation. It has taken three long and difficult years, with many setbacks and challenges along the way. “If it hadn’t been for the determination of my mother and Northumbria Police, we wouldn’t be here today watching justice be served for Layton. “A common saying among police is deeds, not words, and in this case the deeds of Sergeant Ray Lowery, Sergeant Russ Surrey and Sergeant William Huntley have far surpassed all words ever spoken.”

Speaking after the trial, the officer in charge of the case, Sergeant Russell Surrey, of Northumbria Police, said: “To say this case has been devastating would be a complete understatement as losing Layton has caused this family grief. and unimaginable suffering that no one should. sometime you will have to pass.


‘I would like to commend the strength and resilience they have shown throughout the investigation and subsequent court proceedings. “I truly hope that today can be the first step towards the closure they deserve and help them move forward from this terrible and tragic incident.

‘I am pleased that the jury has discovered the excuses and lies told by Darren Jacques. “Despite being banned from the roads, he blatantly drove in his capacity for work and was even in charge of a large, heavy vehicle for which he was neither trained nor qualified.”

Following the guilty verdict, Judge Adams told Jacques that he would be sentenced at a later date and ordered that a pre-sentence report be prepared. He told Jacques to expect an immediate prison sentence and released him on bail until his next court appearance. A provisional sentencing date was given for Monday, December 4. Read More…….


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