
Mia O’Connell Wiki – Mia O’Connell Biography

An unfortunate incident was reported to an investigation in which a young girl lost her life in a dog attack. The incident reportedly occurred in June 2021 at the boy’s family home in Clashmore, Co Waterford. Mia O’Connell was sleeping when her rescue dog, a dachshund-terrier mix, apparently attacked her, leaving her with multiple skull fractures. Mia O’Connell

The boy was reportedly found in serious condition by her aunt Emily Woods, who along with her six-year-old son was at her younger sister Ella’s home at the time. The Sun reported that Ella put the three-month-old baby to sleep in her Moses basket before heading downstairs to spend time with Emily and Grandma Noreen. The mother was confident that her son was safe and since the house was not very big, she thought that she could easily hear if Mia got up or cried.

But the unthinkable happened when the infant’s aunt went to the room to see if her son was okay. Recalling the horrific moment, Ella told the inquiry in a statement: “She screamed my name. She had never heard her scream like that. I ran upstairs and when I got to the landing I saw Emily holding Mia. She yelled ‘she was the dog, she was the dog’. I looked and saw the dog on the landing and his face was covered in blood. That was disgusting.”


The devastated mother also stated that she was not in favor of keeping the dog at home after the victim’s grandfather, Barry Dillon, saved him in 2021. She reportedly added: “I didn’t know what kind of breed he was. . He was small, ugly, and brown or red in color. Barry named him Red. I didn’t like this dog from the very beginning, there was something about him. He seemed very anxious and shaky. He lived outside and was not allowed in the house. I felt uncomfortable with that dog and a baby in the house.”

Mia O’Connell Age

The age of Mia O’Connell was just 3 month.

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Mia O’Connell pet dog mauls 3-month-old girl to death

Giving details of the incident, Emily reportedly also shared: “Mia was in the middle of the room and Red the dog was behind her. He was standing over her. He had blood all over his mouth. Mia was lying on her back. I grabbed a muslin cloth from the bed and put it on her head to try to stop the bleeding.”


Reports said the deceased child was premature, weighing just 4 pounds, 9 ounces when he was born. He had to be in the hospital for two weeks before coming home. However, once Mia arrived, the dog apparently became jealous. Grandma Noreen O’Connell said the animal behaved aggressively towards the boy once. Noreen added: “I hated that dog.”

After the fatal attack, Mia was reportedly rushed to Cork University Hospital, but she could not be saved. According to an autopsy by Deputy State Pathologist Dr. Margaret Bolster, the baby’s cause of death was “serious brain trauma due to skull fractures and multiple head lacerations consistent with a dog attack,” reported The Sun.

Cork City Coroner Philip Comyn meanwhile stated: “This is a particularly tragic death involving a family pet. At the end of the day, dogs are animals and can be unpredictable, especially when their place in a family is displaced, as in this case by Baby Mia.”


Mia’s maternal aunt Heidi O’Connell told RTE News: “She’s still like a nightmare. Three months old, full of smiles, full of laughter, she was taken from us so abruptly, so tragically. We just don’t know what to do .”Read More….

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