
Beth Matthews Wiki Beth Matthews Biography

Beth Matthews, 26, had bought the toxin online from Russia and swallowed it after telling staff at the mental hospital that the substance was protein powder. Not only had she lied about the contents of the package, but Beth had been forbidden to open her own mail while she was in The Priory’s Cheadle Royal mental hospital in Manchester. An investigation has now found that the negligence of hospital staff contributed to her death. The blogger, who was said to have a “massive” following, collapsed in front of staff on March 21, 2022.

She was rushed to the hospital, where she tragically died that afternoon. Beth had been detained as a patient under the Mental Health Act after struggling with mental health issues for years. During her stay, the 26-year-old was prohibited from opening her own mail, but her “inconsistencies” meant she could do so.

The Mirror reported that Suzanne Barnard, The Priory’s head of investigations, acknowledged that some staff allowed Beth to open her own position, but others opened it for her, as outlined in her care plan


Beth herself told ward staff that the substance was protein powder before swallowing it, going into cardiac arrest and being taken to Wythenshawe Hospital, where she died. Earlier, in the nine-day inquest, it was discussed how the 26-year-old was able to order the poison.

Jurors were told that while the unit’s WiFi is firewalled, patients were able to access certain websites through their 4G and 5G connections, over which the staff had “no control”. David Watts, director of risk and security at The Priory, said it was “impossible” to monitor patients’ web browsing on mobile phones. He said mental health units are left “catching up” in efforts to protect patients from certain content online.

Beth Matthews Age

The age of Beth Matthews was 26 years.


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Beth Matthews  cause of death

It was discovered that Beth had ordered the poison from a supplier in Russia, and she also made several visits to online forums discussing suicide methods. The jury also heard that staff “should have” reported a comment made by the blogger about “things she can buy that can do the job” just weeks before she died. Dr Sumamta Gupta, a consultant psychiatrist at Priory Cheadle Royal, said he was not informed of the comments Beth had made.

During questioning by assistant coroner Andrew Bridgman, Dr. Gupta confirmed that had he known, he would have triggered an immediate review of her care plan. Priory Group admitted yesterday that Beth’s care plan “was not followed” as it should have been on the day of her death.

He accepted that “on the balance of probabilities if the release step in Beth’s care plan was followed, she would not have ingested the substance and would not have died as she did.” Beth had gained a large following on social media after starting Life Beyond the Ledge, a mental health blog looking at a 2019 “failed suicide attempt.”


Throughout the investigation, the court heard detailed evidence of Beth’s history with mental health problems. She was diagnosed with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) in 2018, which led to recurring thoughts of wanting to end her life, she told the hearing.

In April 2019, Beth suffered “serious” injuries in a “failed suicide attempt” that left her with “significant long-term pain and disability.” She spent several months in the hospital before being transferred to a psychiatric unit.

Beth was discharged in September 2019 and later created her blog and recounted her experiences as a “suicide survivor.” However, in 2021 her mental health deteriorated and she was admitted to a unit, before being transferred to The Priory. Beth, who was from the Cornish village of Menheniot, is remembered by her mother as a “loving, intelligent and eloquent” daughter.Read More….


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