
Cam Chamberlain Wiki – Cam Chamberlain Biography

A Texas Army base is investigating the mysterious death of the wife of a soldier whose body was found while he was briefly missing, according to a report. Cam Chamberlain’s death in May has raised a number of questions, especially after her husband, Army Specialist Craig Chamberlain, was found alive the next day after he went missing for less than two weeks.

The confusing case began when Cam, who is a transgender woman, reported her husband missing on May 15, and Army officials at Fort Cavazos believed the 23-year-old was “intentionally” absent from his unit, KWTX reported. . Her death was announced on May 25 and he was found alive on May 26. Army investigators have opened a criminal investigation, NBC News reported Thursday, though a spokesperson did not provide further details.

It is not clear when, where or how he died. An autopsy has not been performed and a funeral has not been scheduled, the outlet reported. “I can’t even mourn his death like family should, because now it’s like he never existed,” her friend Shandy Eubank told NBC News. When she found Craig, he was in bad shape, her mother, Virginia Chamberlain, reportedly said.


Craig had also faced an administrative investigation into his disappearance, which has since been concluded. But the internal investigation’s findings cannot be disclosed due to privacy rules, NBC News reported. Craig’s current status in the military is unclear.

When he disappeared, his wife reportedly told a friend that she was planning to break up with him, according to a friend. “Even though I’m getting divorced, I still can’t help but think he’s in danger,” she wrote, according to the outlet. “I still love him and I would blame myself if something happened to him.”

Furthermore, she told the friend that when he disappeared, he left her without food or money for her needs. Cam posted a missing person flyer on social media stating that she left without her keys or phone. She also wrote on the flyer that he was dealing with a “bout of extreme depression.”


During Craig’s disappearance, his wife said she only found out about it when he stopped showing up at the Army base in March, according to a May Killeen Daily Herald report. “He told me that he went to work all the time, so I didn’t think anything of it, but actually, he didn’t really go to work; he was just saying that he was going to work,” she reportedly said.

But Craig’s mother, Virginia, refuted that she was lying to Cam, citing photos from the time that showed him to have long hair and facial hair, NBC News reported. “You can’t report for a service like that in the Army,” she said. Fort Cavazos said Craig Chamberlain “was unable” to secure a new assignment for “reasons unknown” and declined to comment on Cam Chamberlain’s claims.Read More…….

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