
Eddie Scott Wiki – Eddie Scott Biography

A former Mississippi county sheriff sexually assaulted dozens of inmates and arrestees he called “hookers,” “heifers” and “sluts” during his three-decade career, according to an explosive new report. Clay County Sheriff Eddie Scott has been the target of numerous sexual exploitation allegations since he took office in 2012, but he continues to head the department more than a decade later, the New York Times revealed Wednesday.

Scott’s accusers say the powerful police leader forced them into a sexual relationship and retaliated against them when they threatened to report the alleged abuse. The alleged attacks date back to the years before Scott won his election as leader, but allegations were made by a victim in the early months of his reign.

The unidentified 26-year-old woman accused Scott of taking her to a pig farm to have sex in her patrol car on at least five occasions in 2009 as part of a promise that she would use her influence to keep her out of prison.


Eddie Scott Age

The age of Eddie Scott is not declared.

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Charges on Eddie Scott

She filed her claims in state circuit court just three months into Scott’s term and provided them with jail letters from the sheriff, according to the report. “Hello, sexy,” wrote Scott, then 47, in prison nine months before his election. My blood pounded after reading the last two letters. I can’t stop thinking about how tight it is. I want all of that and more if you can.”

A Clay County judge ruled against the woman and other officials did not report the allegations to state or federal law enforcement agencies. There is also no record of any internal investigation or disciplinary review, and court documents in the case where missing until reporters pressed for them during their investigation, the New York Times said.


The woman is among many who were allegedly victimized by Scott, but she somehow evaded retaliation from her law enforcement team for attempting to come forward, a fate many other victims were unable to escape. Amber Jones alleged that Scott repeatedly offered her eight-hour passes to see his family during his eight-month prison term in 2017 in exchange for sexual favors inside a storage unit on her private property.

“I felt like I was worthless, that I had no control over my own body,” she said. “There was nothing I could do to stop it,” recalled the then 21-year-old. In the months after Jones was released from jail, a narcotics officer from West Point, a city in Clay County, pulled her over and discovered a bag of diabetic needles filled with methamphetamine under the passenger seat.

Jones denied ownership of the paraphernalia and told the Times that she knew she was being “set up,” an allegation later corroborated by a video recording that captured a local man with prior drug arrests who admitted to placing the drugs inside the car on the orders of one of Scott’s officers. The man said he was given the needles and drugs by Deputy Kyle Eaves, who was named the 2021 Deputy Sheriff of the Year, a Facebook post shows.


One of Scott’s former employees formally accused the sheriff of sexual harassment in a federal lawsuit that is scheduled for trial next year. Former research assistant Caitlyn Wilson, who claims Scott made sexual advances towards her and other co-workers and threatened to fire them after they reprimanded him, said she had inside knowledge that her former boss sexually abused multiple inmates and arrestees.

She said he also sent inappropriate text messages to employees referring to the women as “hookers,” “heifers” and “hookers,” and suggested that Wilson and another woman should “team up” to give him oral sex. After filing his complaint, Scott suspended and fired his then-boyfriend, a captain who had worked in the office for five years. Scott denied the numerous accusations leveled against him, attributing them to a “coordinated coup” to remove him from office.

He told the Times that his accusers are “con artists” and “drug users” who were fabricating charges to avoid jail time or otherwise profit financially. The Clay County Sheriff’s Office confirmed to The Post that Scott still serves as sheriff, but did not comment on whether he would face further investigation.Read More…..


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