
Eleanor Williams Wiki – Eleanor Williams Biography

The mother of a ‘fantasy’ woman whose false claims she was raped by an ‘Asian grooming gang’ sparked a wave of Islamophobia, has said she supports her daughter. Eleanor Williams, 22, was convicted of nine counts of perverting the course of justice for multiple allegations of rape and an unsubstantiated account of being trafficked by Asian men from Barrow-in-Furness.

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Her claims caused an uproar in the area, where a significant part of the community believed her and attacked local Asian businesses, while far-right elements further fanned the flames.


But with Williams now facing a substantial prison sentence following his conviction at Preston Crown Court this week, his mother, Allison Johnston, a 51-year-old Labor councilor in Barrow, insisted to MailOnline: “I believe my daughter “.

The court heard that to support her false claims, Williams posted photos on Facebook of gruesome injuries to her face and body, including the word “rat” carved into her stomach.

Jurors found that she had caused the injuries herself, using weapons including a 10-pound hammer. bThe prosecution compared some of the evidence of it, having been ‘sold’ at auction in Amsterdam, as a scene from the Liam Neeson film Taken.


Eleanor Williams Age

The age of Eleanor Williams is 22 years.

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Eleanor Williams lied about being raped and trafficked

The restaurant’s owner, Mohammed Ramzan, who Williams said had made it since he was 12, was arrested for her lies and said he and his family received more than 500 death threats.

He called her ‘delusional’ and ‘fanciful’ in court.


Ramzan, who was investigated for three weeks without charge and said former EDL leader Tommy Robinson showed up at his door, said the claims drove him to the brink of suicide.

But despite the convictions and the misery caused to her victims, Williams’ mother says she stands behind most of her daughter’s claims.

And she told MailOnline that Williams had been the subject of a National Reference Mechanism (NRM) order which stated that she had been trafficked for sexual purposes since she was 12 years old.


The NRM was introduced in 2009 following the signing of the Council of Europe Convention on combating trafficking in human beings.

It was designed to identify and protect victims of modern slavery and human trafficking. Ms Johnston said: “The warrant says that Ellie was a victim of exploitation and trafficking from the age of 12. Personally, I don’t think so because I think as her mother, she would have known something was wrong with her at such a young age.”

‘But to us, her family, she tells us that she was telling the truth, that she was a victim in the way that she said she was and as her mother believed her.’There were some things that she claimed that I don’t think were true, there were parts that she made up. “But I do believe that substantially she was telling the truth and she was abused and trafficked.


I also don’t think Ellie inflicted those injuries on herself, she couldn’t have caused them. They cut her throat, they cut off her finger and her ear, she had the word ‘rat’ carved into her stomach.

There are so many people who still don’t know about Ellie and what happened, they would think differently if they did.’ Ms Johnston said: “She was supposed to go visit a women’s lavatory but instead she bought pills and was found in a multi-storey car park.”

“The judicial process began in 2019 and has not yet come to an end, it has been such a long and worrying time for Ellie and her family.” Williams left the family’s large stone terraced home on Walney Island in 2019 and moved into an apartment block in Barrow. Her mother said she was frantically worried about her daughter and in the span of seven months she reported her missing 32 times.


Ms. Johnston was driving to Barrow to pick up her 18-year-old daughter to see if the light was on in her apartment. She said she felt Williams was vulnerable and feared at the time that she was being exploited.

Williams’ claims ruined the lives of the men she accused. Among them was businessman Ramzan, who Williams says was instrumental in trafficking her to parties in the north of England and in Amsterdam and Ibiza, where she was raped.

At the time she said he was selling her for sex in Amsterdam, bank card records showed she was at B&Q in Barrow.


Mr Ramzan said: “It completely ruined me to the point where I broke a bottle on my head.” He wanted to kill me because of the damage it did. The reputation he had made was ruined. My neighbors turned against me. People left me. I lived in hell.

Williams was 19 when she made the inflammatory claims about her in a Facebook post that was shared more than 100,000 times, sparking a wave of Islamophobia in Barrow. She sparked the creation of a group called ‘Justice for Ellie’, which has more than 100,000 members on Facebook.

A JustGiving page set up for her received over £22,000 in donations, which she claimed would be used for “solicitors’ fees”. People in town held rallies of support: bumper stickers with the words “Justice for Ellie” were sold and became commonplace. They smashed the windows of an Indian restaurant and chased down the Muslim takeaway owner and poured alcohol over his head.


Ramzan said he was often verbally abused in the street and that the city was “one step away from lawlessness”. Far-right front man Tommy Robinson visited Barrow to “investigate” the fictional grooming gang.He later said that after speaking with some of the people Williams had accused, he had found “conflicting accounts” about what had happened.

Barrow’s Conservative MP Simon Fell said Williams’ lies had “put the town in a bind”. He said ‘vultures’ began to ‘circle’ the city, including ‘insidious’ far-right activists who ‘stirred tensions’.Fell said he was also visited by the families of the falsely accused Williamses who said their lives had been “torn apart” and other Asian voters who “feared for their safety and the safety of their children because of the color of their skin.” He said: ‘People’s lives have been ruined as a result of their stories, and Barrow has gone through the wringer.

‘A man spent time in prison because of his accusations. Others saw their windows up. Or received death threats. Others still left town and have not returned. And trust in the police has suffered.


Fell said there were “many victims in this story”, including the “real victims of manipulation”, adding: “Her story cannot and should not be a barrier to people asking for help and coming forward.”

The MP said he hoped Williams would now get “the help she needs” as she was “deeply ill”, adding that he wanted Barrow to “start to heal, learn lessons that will better protect genuine victims and look to a brighter future.” “. Four other men, in addition to Mr. Ramzan, were named in the indictment as falsely accused by Williams…

Jordan Trengove, 22, was accused of three violations by Williams. On one occasion, when she accused him of rape, he was in the back of a Cumbria Police van following an altercation. Jordan was locked up for 10 weeks in the sex offenders wing of Preston prison before his lies were unraveled and he was released.


Cameron Bibby, 22, was accused of drugging and raping Williams at a gathering at his Barrow home. In fact, Williams was so drunk that Cameron contacted her sister to ask her to give her a ride home. He was arrested and remained on bail for six months before the police dropped the charges against him.

Oliver Gardner was accused of raping Williams after she met him by chance in Preston while both were on separate nights out. Williams and Oliver kissed in a side street before exchanging numbers and parting. Within days she had accused him of being part of a a grooming gang, claiming he sold drugs to vulnerable girls and accused him of rape.

Police launched an investigation into his conduct but it was quickly dropped. Lee Helm was arrested along with Mr Ramzan in July 2019, accused of trafficking girls, including Williams.She claimed she and other young girls were trafficked around sex parties in the north of England and in Amsterdam and Ibiza.


Lee suffered the stigma of his arrest but was eventually told no further action would be taken after suspicion swung onto the accuser.Read More…..

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