
Ellen Wiebe Wiki – Ellen Wiebe Biography

VANCOUVER, CANADA –Ellen Wiebe  a doctor who has reportedly euthanized more than 400 people proudly claims she helped end the life of a man originally deemed unfit for assisted suicide.

Ellen Wiebe, who works with Dying With Dignity Canada, reportedly bragged at a seminar for doctors involved in assisted suicide about how she treated a patient who was not eligible for the gruesome service.

The anonymous man had previously been rejected by a Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) evaluator because he did not have a serious illness or “the ability to make informed decisions about his own personal health.” she euthanized and euthanized him in Vancouver.


“It’s the most rewarding job we’ve ever done,” Wiebe said during a MAID 2020 event in a video that has since made waves online, The New Atlantic reported.

Meanwhile, Stefanie Green, an obstetrician and colleague of Wiebe’s, also admitted that she had helped 300 people die on the controversial show. She reportedly used the term “delivery” to describe both helping women give birth and helping people end their lives.

Ellen Wiebe Age

The age of Ellen Wiebe is not known.



Ellen Wiebe Doc who helped kill man deemed unfit for assisted suicide

According to records, only 486 people died from California’s assisted suicide program in 2021, but 10,064 died from MAID. The show has reportedly become so popular that both anti-suicide and pro-suicide hotlines exist in Canada for people who want to commit suicide.

MAID has come under increased scrutiny over claims that people now seek assisted suicide due to poverty and homelessness or mental anguish, rather than terminally ill people seeking a painless death. These cases were reportedly highlighted in a 2021 presentation by Althea Gibb-Carsley, a recently retired care coordinator and social worker from Vancouver Coastal Health’s assisted suicide program, MAID.

She described a 55-year-old patient named Mary who suffered from chronic pain and was unable to relieve pain due to her low income. “She doesn’t want to die, but she is suffering terribly and she has been maxing out her credit cards. She has no other options,” the filing read.


Gibb-Carsley also cited a similar situation with Nancy, 68, a former doctor who ran out of savings, and with Greg, 57, a writer suffering from trauma and lacking housing funds

Another prominent case involved a 38-year-old trans woman named Lucy who suffered from chronic pain and felt trapped in her studio where “there was no air, no light and creepy men everywhere.” However, it is not clear if any of the above cases were ever approved for assisted suicide.

It’s rare for counselors to have patients with unmet needs, but it does happen,” Wiebe told The New Atlantic of these types of patients. “Usually, these unmet needs are related to loneliness and poverty. As all Canadians have the right to assisted dying, people who are lonely or poor have those rights too.”


Green, meanwhile, told the publication that stories about poor people seeking MAID are simply “bait for click.” He noted, “You can’t Access MAID in this country because you can’t get housing. That’s clickbait. These stories have not been fully reported.”

The Canadian euthanasia program, however, has been met with considerable public opposition. Former Paralympian Christine Gauthier criticized the government for offering to euthanize her when she was angered by delays in upgrading her home for wheelchair users.

The retired Army non-commissioned officer testified in Parliament last month that a Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) social worker had made her the offer of euthanasia. “Ma’am, if she is really that desperate, we can provide medical assistance for her to die now,” the social worker allegedly told her. According to Gauthier, she has requested assistance for a chairlift to her house since 2017 at VAC.


“It has isolated me a lot because I have to crawl on my butt with the wheelchair in front of me to get to my house,” he told Global News. Gauthier said she was shocked by the suicide offer, which was made during a conversation in 2019. “I was like, ‘I can’t believe… you’re going to give me a shot to help me die, but you’re not going to give me the tools I need. to help me live,” he recalled. “It was really shocking to hear that kind of comment.”

The veteran was injured in an Army training accident in 1989 and suffered permanent damage to her knees and spine. In addition, she represented Canada at the 2016 Paralympics and the 2016 Prince Harry Invictus Games as a canoeist, weightlifter and indoor rower.

Gauthier’s moving testimony and reports of similar cases sparked widespread outrage, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promising reparations. Physician-assisted suicide was initially legalized in Canada only for terminally ill patients in 2016. Last year, the law was expanded to allow assisted suicide for patients whose natural death is not imminent.


This means that people with long-term disabilities can also seek medical help in dying. What’s Next A new law due to take effect next year will also allow people with mental illness to seek physician-assisted suicide, according to the Daily Mail.Read More…..

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