
Harvey Weinstein Wiki – Harvey Weinstein Biography

(born March 19, 1952, Flushing, Queens, New York, USA), American film producer who, along with his brother, Bob, was the co-founder and co-chairman of Miramax Films (1979–2005) and later from the Weinstein Company (2005–17). Once a powerful figure in Hollywood, his career ended after numerous allegations of sexual harassment and assault, several of which led to criminal charges and convictions.

Weinstein attended the University at Buffalo, New York, where he began promoting rock concerts with his brother. His interests soon turned to movies, and in 1979 the brothers established Miramax Film Corp. (named after their parents, Miriam and Max) and began buying the rights to films and distributing them.

Weinstein proved to be a risk taker, buying movies that were outlandish and often controversial, and in 1989 he bought the rights to Provocative Sex, Lies and Videotape, which became Miramax’s first big hit.


The company’s presence continued to grow in the early 1990s as the brothers began producing more films and Harvey, the more flamboyant and outgoing of the two, became the public face of Miramax.

In 1993, the company was purchased by the Walt Disney Company for an estimated $60 million, but the brothers continued as co-chairmen. A string of acclaimed films followed, including Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction (1994) and Smoke (1995), and in 1997 Weinstein and Miramax won their first Best Picture Academy Award for The English Patient (1996).

Weinstein released a series of highly successful films, including Good Will Hunting (1997), Shakespeare in Love (1998; Academy Award for Best Picture), and The Cider House Rules (1999), and by the end of the decade By 1990, his films had won nearly 40 Oscars.


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Harvey Weinstein Age

The age of Harvey Weinstein is 70 years.


Harvey Weinstein, Sexual assault trial deadlocked on aggravating factors

Jurors in the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault trial deadlocked over the aggravating factors prosecutors sought in the 2013 rape of a woman by the disgraced movie producer in his hotel room. from Beverly Hills.
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Lisa B. Lench declared a mistrial on both factors, ending a nearly two-month trial that included nine full days of jury deliberation. She tentatively scheduled sentencing for January 9.
Weinstein faces 18 years in prison on top of the 23 years he is already serving for two sex offense convictions at his 2020 trial in New York. Aggravating factors would have added an additional six years. Prosecutors argued Tuesday that the woman who was convicted Monday of three counts of rape was “particularly vulnerable” and that her attack required “planning, sophistication and professionalism.”

Assistant District Attorney Paul Thompson told jurors they first had to decide whether the victim, a Russian-Italian model and actress identified at trial as Jane Doe 1, suffered loss, injury or damage. Thompson said the evidence is “the obvious pain she felt when she testified and when she relived the defendant’s attack.”

The first witness to testify when the trial began on October 24, she described sitting in the shower for hours crying after the rape and the “guilt, fear and shame that she felt,” Thompson said.


“Remember the circumstances that she found herself in: she was from a different country that was far away, she was part of a different culture,” Thompson said. “English was her third language…and in 2013 it wasn’t that strong.”

Thompson told the jury to consider what he was doing when Weinstein appeared in his hotel room in February 2013.

“He had undressed, he had put on the robe, he had removed his makeup, he had let his guard down,” he said, adding that jurors may also consider their own vulnerability factors based on the evidence they saw at trial. .
Weinstein’s attorney, Mark Werksman, reminded jurors that the standard is not “vulnerable” but “particularly vulnerable.”


“Let’s start with something we can all agree on: All rape is bad. All rape victims have suffered a serious injury. But not every rape is of a vulnerable victim, and not all victims are particularly vulnerable,” Werksman said.

And Jane Doe 1, Werksman said, “is not a particularly vulnerable victim.”

“She is a victim that fits within the standard universe” of rape law, not an aggravating factor, he said.


“She was a 34-year-old woman, physically fit, a dynamic woman, that she testified that she was especially well known in Italy, where she was a model and an actress,” Werksman said.

The woman was visiting Los Angeles for the L.A. Film Festival. Italy, where Werksman reminded the jury that she was “a regular.”

“She knew the organizer…she was in her own hotel room in a hotel that she had stayed in many times,” Werksman said. “She had many friends and professional colleagues at or near the hotel.”


He said that Jane Doe 1 “was not a woman alone, vulnerable and cut off from the world.”

“This would be a different story if the rapist was a hotel employee with a master key, who broke into the room,” Werksman said. “She let him in…she had a choice. She didn’t have to open the door. Because she thought that she could control the situation.
“I’m not going to make this an open forum about all the allegations that were brought up in this trial,” the judge said.

Weinstein was found guilty of forced oral copulation, forcible rape and penetration with a foreign object involving Jane Doe 1.


The jury cleared him of sexual assault for restraint related to Jane Doe 3, which is Juls Bindi, a Hollywood masseuse who said Weinstein groped her breast while masturbating in front of her after a massage in 2010. Bindi said she confided in her “ to a friend, Mel,” referring to actor Mel Gibson, but prosecutors never called him as a witness.

Jurors held on to Weinstein’s three other charges, as well as a misdemeanor charge that prosecutors included as a lesser alternative to Bindi’s sexual assault charge. They split 10-2 in favor of those found guilty of sexual assault by restraint involving Jane Doe 2, who said Weinstein groped her breast while he masturbated in front of her at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills, also in February 2013. They also split 8-4. in favor of those guilty of forced oral copulation and forced rape of Jennifer Siebel Newsom,Read More…..



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