
Jordan Steinke Wiki – Jordan Steinke Biography

A Colorado police officer was found guilty of two misdemeanors for placing a handcuffed woman in a patrol van that was later struck by a train near Denver in 2022. On Friday, July 28, Fort Lupton police officer, Jordan Steinke, was convicted of reckless endangerment and third-degree assault in connection with the September 2022 accident that left Yareni Ríos-González critically injured.

Judge Timothy Kerns ruled that Steinke was not guilty of attempted reckless homicide, saying there was insufficient evidence to show that the officer “knowingly intent to harm Ms. Ríos-Gonzalez.” , parked on the railroad tracks, creates a substantial and unjustifiable risk of harm from the train,” Kerns said. In justifying his finding of guilty in the misdemeanors, Kerns asserted that Steinke disregarded “what she consciously observed citing the presence of the train tracks and Steinke, who had waived his right to have a jury decide the case, fell to his knees and sobbed after the verdict was read, according to CNN.

Jordan Steinke Age

The age of Jordan Steinke is not declared.


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Charges on Jordan Steinke

Judge Timothy Kerns ruled that Steinke was not guilty of attempted reckless homicide, saying there was insufficient evidence to show that the officer “knowingly intent to harm Ms. Ríos-González.” , parked on the railroad tracks, creates a substantial and unjustifiable risk of harm from the train,” Kerns said. In justifying his finding of guilty in the misdemeanors, Kerns asserted that Steinke disregarded “what she consciously observed citing the presence of the train tracks and Steinke, who had waived his right to have a jury decide the case, fell to his knees and sobbed after the verdict was read, according to CNN.

Ríos-González survived the crash but suffered serious injuries, including a fractured tibia, a broken arm, nine broken ribs and a fractured sternum. During the trial, prosecutors maintained that Steinke knew the police vehicle was positioned next to the train tracks, but chose to ignore the obvious danger. “At that time, she chose to place Yareni Rios-Gonzalez in the Platteville patrol car parked on the railroad tracks instead of her patrol unit that was safely parked west of the railroad tracks,” he said in court. Weld County Assistant District Attorney Lacy Vells. this week, according to ABC. Meanwhile, Steinke argued that she saw the railroad tracks but didn’t “get” the fact that the location was a railroad crossing.

I’m sure I saw the tracks… but I didn’t feel them,” Steinke said under pressure from prosecutors. The officer also claimed that if she had known the car was parked on the railroad tracks, she would not have allowed Ríos- González inside and that he had “trusted” that Vázquez’s vehicle “was in a safe place at the time.” Vázquez has also been charged with reckless endangerment along with other charges in connection with the event. For his ongoing case, he is He is scheduled to make his next court appearance on Sept. 14. Meanwhile, Steinke’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for Sept. 15.  Read More…….


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