
Mas’ud Al-Marimi Wiki- Mas’ud Al-Marimi Biography

The suspect in the bombing that killed 270 people on Pan Am Flight 103 during Christmas week 1988 has been taken into US custody, according to the Justice Department. Although it is still unknown exactly how federal authorities captured the suspect, Abu Agila Mohammad Mas’ud Kheir Al-Marimi, is due to face charges in federal court on Monday, December 12.

Bill Barr, who was the attorney general at the time, said two years ago that they will indict Mas’ud and have been looking for him ever since. He is accused of creating the bomb that exploded and crashed the plane over Lockerbie on December 21, 1988. Shortly after leaving, the plane from London to New York crashed over Lockerbie, Scotland. Eleven more people died on the ground in addition to the 259 people on board, many of whom were traveling home for Christmas, TMZ reports.

Mas’ud Al-Marimi Age

The age of Mas’ud Al-Marimi is not known.


Mas’ud Al-Marimi killed 270 people on Pan Am Flight 103

The Wall Street Journal on December 16, 2020, quoted senior justice department officials as saying that the department is likely to “unveil a criminal complaint” against Abu Agila Mohammad Masud, who was detained in Libya and “seek his extradition for be judged” in a trial. US federal court Among the Americans who perished in the incident were 35 students from Syracuse University, New York. Many of the Americans on the ill-fated flight were returning home from Europe for the Christmas holidays. The flight blew up less than an hour after it took off from Frankfurt, Germany, en route to Michigan via London and New York City.

While one man, former Libyan intelligence official Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, was convicted of the bombing, a second Libyan suspect, Lamin Khalifa Fhimah, was cleared of all charges. al-Megrahi was sentenced to life in prison but was released by Scottish authorities on humanitarian grounds in 2009 after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He died in Tripoli in 2012. Masoud, on the other hand, reportedly confessed to his role in the bombing of the flight when questioned in 2012. In July 2015, Scottish judges ruled that relatives of the bombing victims should not be will allow you to file an appeal on behalf of Megrahi. Previously, courts had ruled that only next of kin could apply posthumously. In July 2017, Megrahi’s family made a new attempt to appeal against his conviction, while in March this year, the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission said Megrahi’s conviction can be appealed again, it reported. MEAWW.

According to court documents, the federal government refers to Mas’ud as a skilled bomb-maker who first joined a Libyan intelligence unit in the 1970s. The police’s ability to link Mas’ud to the Pan Am’s attack after 34 years is quite astonishing. Court documents indicate that a piece of clothing was wrapped around a part of the device that was found at the crash site. That substance was eventually located on the island of Malta, where police know that he and two other guys assembled the device that ultimately exploded on Flight 103.


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