
Paris Mayo Wiki – Paris Mayo Biography

A teenage mother murdered her newborn son by assaulting him and stuffing cotton down his throat after suddenly and unexpectedly giving birth alone, jury was told. Paris Mayo, now 19 but 15 at the time of the incident, dumped the baby’s body in a garbage bag on her front door step and went to bed, a court heard.

The next morning, the young man put his body in a garbage bag and sent a text message to his older brother, asking her, ‘When you get out, can you put the black bag in the garbage can?’ But her hysterical mother found the baby in the bag and called the emergency services. Mayo, now 19, was tried and charged with murder in March 2019 and was charged with the murder of little Stanley Mayo last year after an investigation by West Mercia police.

She denies murdering her baby, who was born at or near term on the night of March 23, 2019. Prosecutor Jonas Hankin KC said the child was “at or near term” and was born alive in the living room, while his maternal grandparents were upstairs, after Mayo hid his pregnancy from the family. he. Mr Hankin added: “The birth took place in the sitting room of the family home where Miss Mayo lived with her parents and her brother her George.


Paris Mayo Age

The age of Paris Mayo was 15 that time

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Paris Mayo accused killing newborn baby

She “she was on her own and she delivered the baby without help while her sick father was upstairs on dialysis supervised by her mother. ‘After delivery, the defendant assaulted the baby on the upper left and right front of the head, causing severe brain injury. About two hours later, realizing that the baby was still alive, he stuffed cotton balls into its mouth and neck. He “he” He put the baby’s body inside a garbage bag and deposited it at the front door before going to bed.

“The first piece to go in was forced so deep into the esophagus, the tube through which we carry food into our stomachs, that it was only discovered on neck dissection at autopsy.” The court heard that the cotton blocked Stanley’s airway and he suffocated at the family home in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, on March 23, 2019. Worcester Crown Court heard that Mayo thought she was experiencing menstrual cramps the night the baby was born and took a lukewarm bath.


Her brother George left her glasses of warm milk and water outside the bathroom door before they went to sleep. When she got home, Mayo asked her not to go into the living room because she had bled heavily, jurors were told. The next morning, the teen texted her brother asking her to dispose of the trash bag saying it contained her “sick of her” from the night before.

But when Mayo’s mother opened the bag, the prosecutor said she “suddenly became hysterical and was heard saying, ‘There’s a baby in the bag,’ and … ‘Paris has given birth.’ Jurors were told the baby’s death came to light when Mayo’s mother asked her son what was in the garbage bag, which was described in court as “unusually heavy” and had left “streaks” of blood on the doorstep.

Mr Hankin said: ‘The defendant’s mother called the emergency services saying that her daughter had given birth. She was heard saying: ‘You could have called me honey. Poor baby. Why did you not tell me? Paramedics arrived to find Mayo in the house sitting with her mother, holding the baby who was “wrapped in a sheet … with no sign of life.” Mr Hankin said: “She (Mayo) said that (the baby) had things coming out of her mouth and she used cotton to try to clean it up.”


She “said that she had put some cotton inside the baby’s mouth to prevent more from coming out, and later, in the ambulance, she described this material as ‘liquid’.” She ‘she Said that she had put the baby in the bag because she didn’t know what to do’. The jury was given a floor plan of the family home in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, and instructed to write “birth” in the room where the baby was born. The 999 call from Mayo’s mother will also be played.

The court heard that Mayo told paramedics that she did not know she was pregnant and that the baby “had dropped.” Mr Hankin said: “He told a paramedic that the baby did not appear to be doing well.” He hoped that his mother would think the baby was garbage and she would throw it away. He said that she knew the identity of the baby’s father, but that she had nothing to do with him.

Traveling to Hereford County Hospital with her mother and the lifeless baby in the back of an ambulance, paramedics heard Mayo say: ‘Is it my fault? I made this? and then: ‘It’s my fault, it’s my fault’. After arriving at the hospital, Hankin added, the doctors heard her say: ‘It’s not my fault the baby died, is it? Her head hit the ground and I was waiting for a noise.


Mr Hankin told the jury: ‘The prosecution says the defendant killed the baby to prevent discovery of his pregnancy and her birth. She didn’t want the baby. “Despite having parents and siblings, whom she acknowledges love and support her and to whom she could have turned for help and advice, she murdered him.”

‘The defendant says, on the other hand, that she gave birth suddenly and unexpectedly. ‘She believed the baby was dead. She never intended to kill the baby or seriously harm it, and she made no attempt to hide the birth of the baby. “It will be her task, after having heard the evidence during this long trial, if the prosecution has satisfied him so that he is sure of the defendant’s guilt.”

Mayo, from Ruardean, Gloucestershire, who cried when the case was opened, denies any wrongdoing and the trial, which is expected to last six weeks, continues. The jury heard that Mayo later named his father as Benjy Davies, but this turned out to be incorrect. The murder trial heard that Mayo had denied being pregnant when asked by her older sister two months earlier.


Her brother had no idea her sister was pregnant, but he noticed that she had gotten bigger and bigger and had started wearing baggy clothes, the jury heard. Mayo, from Ruardean, Gloucestershire, claimed the baby was not moving or breathing after giving birth and used cotton to clean the “stuff” that came out of her mouth.Read More…….

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