
Rebecca Payne Wiki – Rebecca Payne Biography

Friends of a woman who mixed sleeping pills with her husband’s cookies have painted a complex portrait of the couple’s marriage. It’s a bizarre crime that swept through a sleepy regional town in Victoria. A stay-at-home mother is found guilty of drugging and killing her husband by mixing her favorite lemon cookies with sleeping pills. The inland town of Walpeup, in northwestern Victoria, was torn in half after Noel Payne, 68, was murdered inside his own home by his wife Rebecca Payne in 2020. “I was absolutely devastated,” Noel’s daughter Tracy Payne told Nine’s A Current Affair through tears.

From the outside, the Paynes appeared to be a fairly normal country family. But those closest to them say their marriage was far from happy. Noel met Rebecca when he was living with his daughter Tracy in Gorokan, NSW. Tracy said that she thought Rebecca was bad news and that she never wanted a romance to blossom between the couple.

Rebecca Payne Age

The age of Rebecca Payne is not declared.


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Rebecca Payne accused of killing her husband

She said her neighbor and her father hit it off and married quickly before starting a new life together in the Victorian country, where they shared healthy vacations with friends. But neighbors said the relationship was marred by violence and allegations that Noel was beating his wife. Family friend Barry told A Current Affair that he also saw “bruises on his arm and … on his chest.”

“I think he used to hit her,” Barry said. In court, prosecutors argued that Rebecca wanted to end her marriage, that she was upset that another woman Noel had living in her house with them, and that she too was fed up with being beaten.

The court heard that Rebecca had dreamed of drugging her husband for months and, as she testified, she told the jury that she hoped he would “get sleepy and go to bed” the night she finally signed. the law. your plan Barry said that Rebecca was a good cook and that Noel liked her cookies. “[They] always had cookies and cakes,” Barry said.


On September 1, 2020, Rebecca baked a large batch of lemon cookies and crushed some temazepam tablets with a mortar and pestle. She used the powder to coat a cookie and set it aside for Noel, who served her a cup of Milo that night. She never woke up after that.

Rebecca admitted that when she found her husband without a pulse, she did not try to revive him or call triple-0. She claimed that she panicked and quickly wrapped the body in a blanket before duct-taping each end, tossing it into the freezer, and strapping the freezer door shut.

A few days later, Rebecca dragged the freezer into a neighbor’s backyard. Shortly after, a resident opened the lid, called the police, and Rebecca was arrested. She admitted to manslaughter and claimed that she did not intend to kill her husband, but the jury did not believe her and she was found guilty of murder.


Medical examination of Noel’s body could not determine if he died of a drug overdose or asphyxiation and Tracy has questioned whether her father was still alive while in the freezer. Did she wake up, was she trying to get out? she said. Now Tracy has nightmares about what happened and says that she has been left with nothing but her ashes. “He stole my father from me, not being able to say goodbye to him,” she said.Read More…….

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