
Ronnie Black Wiki – Ronnie Black Biography

An Indiana man has been arrested for allegedly s**ly assaulting a cognitively impaired elementary school student, who turns out to be his niece, while claiming he is actually the victim. Ronnie Black, 55, is charged with two counts of child sexual abuse and two counts of indirect sexual gratification, according to Wayne County Sheriff’s Department records reviewed by Law & Crime.

The defendant was arrested Aug. 10 after admitting to s**ly abusing his 9-year-old niece on multiple occasions, but claimed she repeatedly “forced” him to do so, according to a probable cause affidavit obtained by Law & Crime. . On Aug. 8, the victim, who is in a special education class, complained that her genitals were sore, the affidavit says. Those concerns were relayed to a specialized teaching assistant, who accompanied the girl to the school health room. The nurse determined that the girl likely had a urinary tract infection and made plans to call the girl’s mother about the problem.

However, on the way back to class, the teaching assistant asked the girl if anyone had ever touched her private parts. The girl responded that Black, her uncle, “did it when he cleaned her up,” according to the affidavit. The teaching assistant “felt this was strange because she felt [the girl] could clean her own vagina,” the court document says.


When asked what the defendant cleaned it with, the girl allegedly replied that she used her “bare hand,” according to the probable cause affidavit. The teaching assistant told police that she immediately shared this horrifying revelation with the special education teacher and began walking the victim to another school office. Then the girl said, “When he puts his private parts on my private parts, all I do is think about going home.”

Hearing that, the teaching assistant began to cry, the affidavit says, and she was comforted by the 9-year-old, who hugged her and said she was “fine.” Then the teaching assistant left the girl with her teacher, she took a break and went to her car to cry again.

Ronnie Black Age

The age of Ronnie G. Black is 55 year.


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Charges on Ronnie G. Black

The school contacted Indiana Child Protective Services and the girl was taken to a specialized quasi-government facility for a forensic interview with a CPS case officer, the affidavit explains. During the interview, the girl went on to detail a litany of sexual abuse allegedly committed by her uncle, often in shocking and graphic terms.

The interviewer noted that the girl “kept tossing and turning, seeming to be uncomfortable” throughout the interview and, when asked why, she said that “her private parts hurt”. When asked why it hurt there, the girl said she had been in pain ever since her uncle had sex with her.

The court document continues with extreme allegations of child sexual abuse and graphic language used by the victim to describe her own abuse that Law & Crime has chosen not to publish. On August 9, she was taken to Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital, where she underwent a sexual assault examination. The next day, a nurse said that she had signs of trauma, but she was unable to give police “specific information” until the full report was completed.


The next day, the Richmond Police Department interviewed Black, the affidavit says. She agreed to speak with law enforcement, allegedly noting that she “thought she knew” what the investigation was about, an official wrote.

During the interview, the defendant allegedly said that he thought the abuse allegations stemmed from an incident in which he had to change the diaper of the girl’s older brother, who is described as “an autistic 13-year-old boy who doesn’t speak ”. During this incident, Black allegedly said that the girl would not leave the room while he was undressing her brother and he had to pick her up and carry her out of it.

“Black stated that her sister is the mother of [the girl] and [the boy],” the affidavit reads. “Black stated that [the child] was living with him due to her medical condition. He said that taking care of the two children at the same time was too much for his sister. [The girl] visited him most weekends on Fridays and Saturdays. Her [the girl’s] mother would pick her up on Sunday.”


When asked if he ever touched his niece’s genitals, the defendant allegedly admitted to doing so by using a medical gloved hand to teach her how to clean herself properly because “she was doing it the wrong way and getting infections,” the affidavit says. For a time during the interview, Black “denied having an inappropriate relationship with his niece.”

At one point during the interview, police say, Black’s story changed. “Black said that [the girl] had stripped in front of him and gotten into bed with him,” the affidavit reads. “Black said that she was naked while they were lying in bed together, and that she [the girl] took off her shorts. Black said that she climbed on top of him and [the girl] inserted his p**s into her v**a. Black initially stated that he was asleep when this occurred, but eventually admitted that he was awake.”

Near the end of the interview, the defendant allegedly provided two exact dates that he had sexual intercourse with the girl, according to the affidavit. At other points in the interview, Black used various childhood euphemisms for male and female genitalia that aligned with the terms used by the victim. The defendant also allegedly told police that his niece forced him to perform oral sex on him by hitting him on the back of the head after straddling him and demanding that he do so.Read More…


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