
Nicole Linton Wiki – Nicole Linton  Biography

Nicole Linton a Texas traveling nurse accused of causing a high-speed fire accident that killed six people, including an 8-month-old pregnant woman and her unborn child, had suffered major psychotic episodes years before the accident, including diving out of a window and jumped on top of a patrol car after going through several lanes of traffic, a neurologist wrote in documents provided to Law&Crime by her defense attorneys. Nicole Linton’s first major psychotic episode occurred on May 6, 2018, according to court documents. It involved “a strange dream state” as she ran, followed by the onset of a perceptual disturbance, disordered thinking, and strange behavior as she stopped at a restaurant.

Details about her psychotic episodes came to light in a report by Dr. David Millett, a neurologist specializing in epilepsy and seizures and retained by her defense attorney. “He then ran out of the restaurant through several lanes of traffic, stopped in front of a moving police car, made facial gestures to the officer behind the wheel before jumping on the hood and then up and down on the roof of the patrol car. ,” the report said.

Nicole Linton Age

The age of Nicole Linton is 37 years.


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Charges on Nicole Linton

The second major event occurred on May 20, 2019, court records show. Linton’s then-boyfriend said they were alone in Linton’s apartment when she started “talking to herself and other people who weren’t there… acting paranoid and seeing things and people that weren’t there… when all of a sudden “jumped, ran to the window. and dove through [sic] the glass.'”

The document said that she removed her clothing after landing in the bushes below. She walked through the apartment complex naked and bleeding from multiple lacerations, “confused, unresponsive and unaware of what was happening.”

Although there were no eyewitnesses to her behavior while driving just before the accident on August 4, 2022, her “active acceleration of the vehicle as she approached the intersection, without acknowledging the imminent danger to her, strongly suggests a similar escape response.” . the other main episodes and may represent a form of frontal lobe seizure as described above,” the report said. There were no documented incidents of psychotic episodes between the May 20, 2019 incident and the August 2022 fatal accident.


Linton, 37, of Houston, pleaded not guilty to six counts of murder and five counts of grossly negligent vehicular manslaughter in the crash about nine miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles, prosecutors said. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón said the incident “will always be remembered for the senseless loss of so many innocent lives while simply going about their daily routines.”

She is accused of driving 140 mph on La Brea Boulevard and crashing into multiple vehicles, starting a fire and killing 23-year-old Asherey Ryan, who was pregnant, her 11-month-old son Allonzo and her boyfriend, Reynold Lester. Two other women in another vehicle also died. Six other vehicles were involved in the collision, including five people with minor injuries in an SUV and another driver in another vehicle, prosecutors said.

While arguing that Linton was transferred from jail to a psychiatric hospital last year, her lawyer suggested that Linton, who has also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, may have had a seizure at the wheel in the accident.


“The suggestion that he is suffering from a seizure-like unawareness while maintaining control of a car moving at 130 mph … defies logic,” Assistant District Attorney Antonella Nitorescu said during a hearing on the matter, reported the Los Angeles Times. The judge at the time denied the request to transfer Linton from jail to the hospital.

At a court hearing Thursday, Linton’s attorney, Jacqueline Sparagna, filed a motion to vacate an injunction that allowed a prosecution expert to examine Linton in jail on April 21 without notifying Sparagna of the injunction and that he was interviewing her. Sparagna said the prosecution violated Linton’s due process rights by having a prosecution expert interview her client without her knowledge.

She said that she did not know that the interview would take place and that the prosecution did not provide her with information that it would take place. Ella sparagna said that she does not know what the psychologist discussed with her client and she is requesting notes made by the psychologist and what Linton told her in those interviews.


A judge is expected to determine in two weeks whether the prosecution improperly obtained the order appointing experts, she said. Linton has requested that the warrant be quashed because it was obtained without the knowledge of his attorney in violation of the California Penal Code. “This is an ambush trial,” Sparagna said in a statement to Law&Crime. “The behavior of the district attorneys is a shady and unconstitutional dirty trick to gain advantage over Nicole, which the Court should immediately sanction.

“This was an egregious constitutional violation. Nicole is being charged with multiple counts of murder and faces the rest of her life in prison. Her rights must be protected at all costs. It is inconceivable that the district attorney’s office would trample on them so cruelly. This is Penal Law 101. The prosecution team cannot speak to represented defendants without first informing the defense attorney. Period.”

The court order said good cause was shown for Robert Schug, a professor of criminology at California State University, Long Beach, to evaluate Linton’s “psychiatric/psychological, cognitive and emotional functioning,” according to the document.


In a statement, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County district attorney said: “Any objections from the defense to this appointment, and any potential responses, will be heard and addressed in court.” Schug saw Linton in custody on Friday, April 21, according to the motion.

“At that time, the defense had not received or served any court order authorizing a medical examination of the defendant,” the motion reads. “At that time, the prosecution never informed the defense that it had filed a proposed order for the Court to sign. At that time, the defense was not aware of any ex parte communication between this Court and the prosecution. Therefore, Ms. Linton was evaluated by Dr. Schug without the defense attorney’s knowledge and without the defense attorney’s consent.”

The motion said the prosecutor later apologized for not sending the warrant to the defense sooner and explained that the prosecution did not realize their expert was going to interview Linton before she had received the full discovery, the document says. “Interestingly, she later reversed course and explained that she actually tried to send the order to the defense, but the email application on her cell phone did not work,” the document says.Read More……


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