
Wang Yun Wiki – Wang Yun biography

A kindergarten teacher in China accused of poisoning dozens of students and killing one has been executed, the country announced Friday. The teacher was sentenced to death in 2020 for poisoning 25 students after also poisoning her husband. The Associated Press reports that a notice was posted outside a courthouse in Jiaozuo city saying that teacher Wang Yun had been executed on Thursday. Wang was 40 years old.

The AP reports that most executions in China are carried out by shooting a person in the back of the head, although the country sometimes uses a lethal injection. The killings are carried out at a specific execution ground, according to AP.

Wang Yun Age

the age of Wang Yun is 40 year.


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Charges on Wang Yun

Reuters reports that the number of Chinese executions carried out each year is believed to be in the thousands. Wang, a former Mengmeng Preschool Education teacher, had reportedly been accused of poisoning 25 students in March 2019 by putting a dose of toxic sodium nitrite in the student’s food.

Nitrite is a toxic carcinogen that, in high concentrations, can make the blood unable to carry oxygen through the body. The BBC previously reported that Wang was first arrested for the mass poisoning in 2019 and described as “despicable and vicious” by the local Jiaozuo court.

All but one of the students recovered from the poisoning, which allegedly occurred after Wang argued with another school official over “student management,” according to the AP. The BBC reported that the children began to vomit and faint shortly after eating the porridge in which Wang allegedly hid the toxic additive. The student who did not survive the poisoning died 10 months later of multiple organ failure, according to the AP.


Wang was also accused of poisoning her husband in the same way after buying the ingredients for the concoction online. Her husband suffered minor injuries from his wife’s poisoning, although he survived. The former teacher was initially sentenced to death in September 2020, Reuters reported. Wang tried to appeal her sentence, but lost.Read more…….

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