
David Carrick Wiki – David Carrick Biography

For years the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, thought she was the only one David Carrick, 48, had raped and tortured. She was too scared to tell anyone what was happening and only felt safe to report the hell out of her after news broke of his arrest of her in October 2021 and he saw her face on TV. Sadistic Carrick was dubbed after another female victim bravely reported him to the police.

The Sun reported on Tuesday how the officer had been revealed as one of the UK’s worst serial rapists after admitting to 49 sexual offenses against 12 different women.

Our interviewee recounted the attacks on him by Carrick, who called her hers hers her “slave” and threatened her if he tried to stop him. She told The Sun: “She made me clean her house naked. “It was humiliating, but he seemed to enjoy making me feel small.” And she explained: “Once I told her that she was going to go to the police.  “She told me ‘I’m the police, who would believe you?’


“I thought she was just abusing me. I didn’t know about all these other women.” This week it emerged that the Met Police missed nine opportunities to stop their twisted officer on his way for him. After reading about the police catalog of crimes, the woman said: “I feel angry with the police.

“They could have stopped him 20 years ago. “Seeing it all has been emotional. Now I can see the big picture. There may be more women. Like many victims of the domineering Carrick, she met him through the dating app Tinder. They convinced her to trust him after he showed her her police warrant card when they met for a drink at a local pub.

David Carrick Age

The age ofDavid Carrick is 48 years.


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David Carrick admitted 49 sex offencess

After their first meeting in 2017, Carrick asked her if she would come over and clean for him once a week, since she had worked as a professional cleaner. She lived in a three-bedroom house in Stevenage, Herts, where we now know that she attacked and raped women.

Pictures from inside the policeman’s house show a bare living room with a cream leather three-piece suite and a television in one corner. It was learned in court that Carrick would boast of having snakes New photos obtained by The Sun show the two reptiles he used to intimidate women. He named them Sophia and Lauren and often let them out into his garden during the summer.

They were kept in the living room in a large glass tank. A label underneath read “Royal Python.” In addition to making the woman clean her house of hers, Carrick would force her to do her shopping for him and would pick him up from the pub if he was drunk. If she refused, he would become violent.


She said: “If I told him no, he would say: ‘Do what I tell you.’ “He would slap me across the face for no reason.” She claims that when news broke that her fellow gunman Wayne Couzens had been arrested for the March 2021 kidnapping, rape and murder of Sarah Everard, Carrick threw away some of his sex toys and ties that he had used on her victims.

Carrick required her to buy him six bottles of white wine at a time, usually Mud House sauvignon blanc, which he then drank in rapid succession. She would often set up her old army tent in his backyard and force the victim to sleep outside with him. In text messages seen by The Sun, Carrick calls the woman “my slave” and “my servant.”

In another, the pervert tells her: “Let me abuse you” and he calls her “the village idiot.” Once she cleaned her house from her, he wrote: “Don’t worry about cleaning next week. You’ve annoyed me.” When asked by the victim what he did wrong, Carrick replied: “Disobedience. you are lazy


“You’ve pissed me off now because you didn’t listen. It finally sinks into that thick skull.” She said: “He is a drinker of wine and he would shake his glass at me so that I would be his slave to get his drink from him. “I thought he was kidding at first. He had unbelievable OCD and if there was a stain on his carpet, he’d freak out.”

“He didn’t like me smoking. He ruined all my cigarettes.

“I got a vaporizer and once smoked it at his house. He went crazy and tried to break it. He was going crazy. Carrick subjected her to horrific physical and sexual abuse, including suffocating her until she could barely breathe. One night at her house, he raped the woman before forcing her to bathe and urinate on her while he cried.


She vomited, which left a stain on the bathroom floor that is still visible in photographs of Carrick’s home taken after he was arrested. Recounting the traumatic assault, he said: “He could have choked me to death on my own vomit.” Twisted Carrick admitted to raping and abusing 12 women at Southwark crown court in London on Monday

I’m going to be sentenced in February. It emerged that the ex-soldier passed his background check to join the Met Police in 2001 despite being named a suspect in two crimes the previous year. He was even allowed to carry his gun after he was arrested for rape in July 2021.Read more….

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