
Deborah Leslie Wiki – Deborah Leslie Biography

Two people were arrested last week after the body of a 30-year-old Indiana woman who died of a drug overdose was found inside a burning building. Police recently arrested Heather Richardson, 34, and Emmit Yarbrough Jr, 56, in connection with the Deborah Leslie case last September. They were charged with tampering with a death scene and failing to notify police about a dead body, according to the Times of Northwest Indiana. The newspaper reported that Richardson was arrested in May, while Yarbrough Jr. was arrested in March.

Deborah Leslie Age

The age of Deborah Leslie was 30 years.

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Who killed Deborah Leslie?

Video surveillance footage allegedly shows the two people removing Leslie’s limp body from a Motel 6 in Hammond, Indiana, late on the night of September 21. Leslie was covered in a sheet and was wearing a hat and surgical mask, according to the Times. The footage allegedly showed Richardson and Yarbrough Jr. moving Leslie’s body from the motel’s second floor to the parking lot, then placing her in the front passenger seat of their own Mazda vehicle.


Court documents said Leslie “appeared not to be cognitive, conscious, and appeared to be unresponsive,” according to the Times. The coroner’s records showed that Leslie died of a fentanyl and cocaine overdose. She was reported missing two days after her body was seen being moved, on September 23, and her body was found the same day in a burning building about 10 miles away in Gary, Indiana.

Leslie’s parents and her four siblings spoke about her struggle to overcome addiction last year in an interview with The Chicago Tribune. The family said her daughter was in and out of recovery 10 times in her life, first becoming addicted to alcohol, then opioids and then heroin. The 30-year-old woman had voluntarily checked herself into rehab several times, her father, David Leslie, told the newspaper. “You can’t say she didn’t try,” he said. “It was two steps forward, three steps back.”

Leslie had most recently been in recovery from 2018 until 2020 when she started using drugs again, the family said, noting that she was outgoing and had been successful at work during periods of sobriety. “She was a roller coaster,” her mother, Maggie Feist Leslie, told the Tribune.


Her mother told the newspaper that Leslie always carried overdose-reversal medications, such as Narcan or Naloxone, in her purse and that she often used test strips to test heroin to see if she was cut with fentanyl. Leslie’s father spoke about the charges against Richardson and Yarbrough Jr. last week, telling the Times that he thought they were “pretty minimal.” “To me, it just doesn’t seem like enough justice,” he said. “And I’ll feel like this forever.” Read More……

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