
Edward Little Wiki – Edward Little Biography

A 21-year-old terrorist has admitted planning a gun attack to kill an ex-Muslim turned Christian preacher at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park. It was alleged that Edward Little planned to buy a gun to kill Hatun Tash, 40, and his camera crew in the public speaking area, as well as any police or soldiers in the area at the time.

He was heading to London in a taxi with thousands of pounds in cash when he was stopped and arrested on September 23 last year. Little first refused to answer police interview questions, but after being shown a YouTube video of the preacher, he lunged across the table at an officer, punching him before being restrained.

Earlier this year, he denied preparing to commit acts of terrorism, but changed his guilty plea and admitted the charge on Friday at the Old Bailey. Little, from Pelham Street, Brighton, appeared at the Old Bailey today via video link from HMP Belmarsh wearing a gray tracksuit and admitted being prepared to commit acts of terrorism.


Edward Little Age

The age of Edward Little is 21 years.

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Charges on Edward Little

The prosecution has claimed Little investigated targets including Christian preacher Hatun Tash, military figures and members of the Metropolitan Police. But defense attorney Tom Godfrey said Little only agreed to attack the preacher. Ms Tash was twice arrested for disturbing the peace when she reported harassment and threats by Islamic protesters to the Metropolitan Police. Since then, she has been paid £10,000 in damages.

Ms Tash was a regular at Hyde Park to talk about Islam and Christianity with the protesters. Last year, she alleged that an unknown man dressed in black stabbed her in the face while she was at Speakers’ Corner. As part of preparing for him, Little had researched different weapons and capabilities for him and had arranged to buy one for £5,000.


When he left on September 23 last year, Little agreed to pay the taxi driver £300 to take him to Lewisham, south London, saying money was not an issue. He asked to stop at a mosque to pray, but said he would do so in the taxi after being told there were none on the way.

When he was arrested, he was carrying a backpack with £5,000 in cash, a passport and two mobile phones. Later, the police found an encrypted chat on a phone, which explained his plan of attack and the purchase of the weapon. Going by the online name ‘Abdullah’, Little was also said to have exchanged conversations about religion, Iraq and ‘kuffar’.

Little refused to answer questions in police interviews, but his mood changed when he was shown a YouTube view of the preacher, Ms. Tash. He launched himself from her chair across the table toward an officer, repeatedly pumping his fists before being pinned. He later admitted to assaulting the officer at the Newbury police station on September 28 and was sentenced to 40 weeks in jail.


The sentence was reduced on appeal to eight months in prison. At an earlier hearing at the Old Bailey, Judge Richard Marks said Little has an “absolutely shocking record”. The defendant had been convicted of 14 crimes on seven separate occasions, including robbery, possession of a knife and drug trafficking, since 2017.

Little was due to stand trial on July 10 for the crime of terrorism before pleading guilty in a hearing before Judge Baker. Prosecutor Duncan Penny KC asked for time to consider the basis of the defendant’s guilty plea in relation to his goals. Judge Baker deferred sentencing until July 21 and placed Little in custody.Read More……

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