
Ethan Crumbly Wiki – Ethan Crumbly Biography

Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbly said he’s “going to have a lot of fun” shooting his classmates the night before killing four students and wounding seven others, according to his recorded manifesto filed in court on Thursday. Relatives of Crumbly’s victims who attended the sentencing hearing heard audio of the killer chillingly declaring that he would be the next shooter at the school and that he needed to “teach them a lesson” by carrying out the carnage at Oxford School.

Crumbly, who has pleaded guilty to the massacre, made the shocking comments in a manifesto he recorded the night before carrying out his devastating plan, prosecutors said Thursday, according to CNN. “My name is Ethan Crumbley, I’m 15 years old and I’m going to be the next school shooter,” he was heard saying on audio played in court. “I have thought a lot about this. I can’t stop thinking about it. But it’s constantly in my head.” He said that he would try to shoot as many people as possible.

“I’m going to walk up behind someone and put a bullet in their skull,” he said, according to the recording. “I’m going to open fire on everyone in the hallway, try to hit as many people as I can, reload and find people hiding.” He said the demon in him would take over. “I have worn my mask for too long. I can’t take it,” Crumbley said in a monotone, according to the Detroit Free Press. “There are no voices in my head. The voices are me… that’s what people call demons. There are no demons. I am the devil.


Ethan Crumbly Age

The age is not declared.

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Ethan Crumbly

Prosecutors also revealed shocking pages from the teen’s handwritten diary, as well as gruesome text messages he sent to an unidentified friend as they asked the judge to sentence him to life in prison without the possibility of parole. “I really want to shoot the school,” he wrote in a post, CNN reported. “The first victim has to be a pretty girl with a future so she can suffer like me,” he wrote in another.

The first victim Crumbley shot was Phoebe Arthur, who survived but was badly wounded. “I will keep shooting people until the police breach the building,” the teen wrote. “Then I will surrender to them and plead guilty to life in prison.” Crumbley wrote that he did not want to die and that he wanted to be remembered. “I want all of America to see the darkness in me,” Crumbley wrote in his diary, according to the Free Press. “I want the parents… to cry a lot.” Prosecutors also presented evidence and witness testimony that the mass shooter enjoyed torturing and killing baby birds.


In text messages to a close friend months before the school shooting, Crumbley said he wanted to kidnap, rape, torture, kill and dismember a classmate and described what must be “the best feeling” to drown children, reported the local newspaper. “Just looking into their eyes as they look at you while knowing their whole life is about to end so young,” he wrote, adding: “The best feeling ever.” The courtroom was also shown video of the actual massacre, without sound, in which Crumbley emerged from a bathroom with a gun and shot several students as they were changing classes.

The families of several victims wept silently as they watched the murders of their loved ones. Prosecutors called for the teen to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The defense asked that Crumbley be given a chance at parole, arguing that he is a child who was neglected by his parents and can still be rehabilitated. They noted their own calls for help in his journal.

“All one of my teachers has to do is send me to the office and I’ll tell them about the bird’s head and I can get help,” Crumbley wrote, according to CNN. “One call and that can save many lives. My evil has completely taken over me and I used to like it, but now I don’t want to be evil. I want help, but my parents won’t listen to me, so I can’t get help. I feel like I’m in a little sadness loop.”


On the morning of the shooting, the boy and his parents met with a school official after a teacher found some of the gruesome entries in his journal. He was allowed to stay at the school and his bag was never checked for weapons. The court will hear a second day of testimony beginning Friday morning.Read More……

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