
Josh Alexander Wiki – Josh Alexander Biography

A Canadian teenager was arrested Monday after showing up at his rural Ontario school, despite being suspended for expressing his views on transgender policies. Josh Alexander , 16, was suspended in November from St. Joseph Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario, a small town 80 miles west of Ottawa.

Alexander, a devout Christian, said he told his classmates that he only believed in two genders; that students cannot switch between genders; and that students born male are not allowed in the girls’ bathroom. The school accused Alexander of refusing to use the names chosen by transgender students and said he could only return to school if he agreed to skip two classes attended by transgender students, who found his views offensive.

“I expressed my religious beliefs in class and it got out of hand,” he told The Epoch Times. ‘Not everyone is going to like that. That doesn’t make me a bully. It doesn’t mean I’m harassing anyone. ‘They express their beliefs and I express mine. Mine obviously don’t fit the narrative.


Josh Alexander Age

The age of Josh Alexander is 16 years.

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Josh Alexander detail incident

On Monday, when Alexander tried to return to class, he was detained, he said. “I have just been arrested and charged at my Catholic high school for attending classes after being excluded for indicating my intent to adhere to my religious beliefs,” he tweeted.

Alexander’s case is being backed by the Liberty Coalition Canada, a group whose top lawyers say their mission to “seek justice, promote truth and uphold the rule of law is rooted in their Christian faith.” James SM Kitchen, the lead plaintiff, wrote to the school principal on January 6 saying that forcing Alexander to deny his religious beliefs was discrimination.


The principal responded by excluding the teenager from school for the remainder of the term, arguing that “his presence at school or in the classroom would be detrimental to the physical or mental well-being of the pupils,” The Western Standard reported. Kitchen said the school also accused Alexander of bullying. Obviously, he doesn’t actually intimidate them as that term would be defined by reasonable people,” Kitchen told The Epoch Times. ‘He’s not going to look at them, insult them and make fun of them.

“But he does express his views on what these people are saying and what they believe and what they’re doing. And he expresses them online, and he expresses them in class.’ Alexander intends to appeal his original suspension to the provincial human rights court, which would take his case before a school board panel.Read More……

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