
Alun Titford Wiki – Alun Titford Biography

Alun Titford the father of Kaylea Titford, a vulnerable teenager who died after suffering from morbid obesity, has been found guilty of manslaughter. The teenager, who was disabled, was found dead in her home in October 2020.

It was discovered that she lived in filthy conditions “unfit for any animal”, surrounded by rubbish and bottles of urine. She was bedridden at the time of her death. When she was asked during her deposition why she had let her daughter down so much, the mover said, “I’m lazy.” Titford denied all charges against her, but on Tuesday, jurors decided not to believe her.

The 45-year-old man from Newtown had denied the allegations against him, claiming that his partner and Kaylea Titford’s mother were his primary caretakers. He admitted that he was “lazy” and that he could have done more, but claimed that he didn’t know how they took care of Kaylea.


Her partner and Kaylea Titford’s mother, Sarah Lloyd Jones, previously pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of her daughter by gross negligence and is awaiting sentencing. The teen, who weighed nearly 50 pounds and had a BMI of 70 at the time of her death, required a wheelchair to get around. Once she went into the covid lockdown in March, she was unable to attend her school at Newtown High and spent months in bed.

Teachers had tried to get the once-promising wheelchair basketball player back to school once the rules allowed, but were met with excuses, the court heard. The prosecution alleged that Kaylea had not used her wheelchair, which she outgrew, since the start of the confinement.

Alun Titford Age

The age of  Alun Titford is 45 years.


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Alun Titford incident detail

The family received no help from outside organizations and had not seen a social worker since 2017. The court heard how Kaylea was kept on dirty sheets in a messy, dirty room and had ulcers, sores and blisters on her legs. Emergency service workers described “nausea” from the smell of her in her room when they responded to the 999 call.

Worms were found that were thought to have been feeding on her body, the court heard. Titford claimed that her partner, who was a community care worker, was responsible for taking care of Kaylea and that he did not feel “comfortable” taking care of her whenshe reached puberty. On cross-examination, he accepted that he was as guilty of Kaylea’s death as her mother.

In a statement read after the verdict was announced, lead investigator Jonathan Rees said: “The conditions in which Kaylea was found were abhorrent and indicative of shocking neglect over an extended period of time, both environmentally and physically. He added: “The circumstances of Kaylea’s death are tragic. This investigation has been extensive and, at times, harrowing given Kaylea’s age and the conditions in which she lived.”


“The officers who have been involved in this investigation and also those officers who were involved from the beginning of the investigation will really not be able to forget this experience; there will have been a real impact on those officers.” A Powys County Council spokesperson said: “Following the conclusion of the court proceedings, a concise review of the child practice will take place and involve all relevant agencies following a clear legal framework.

“The local authority does not feel able to comment until this process has been completed.” A spokesperson for NSPCC Cymru described the case as “incredibly harrowing”. “No child should be subjected to the horrible treatment that Kaylea Titford received before her tragic death. The knowing and prolonged neglect by those who should have cared for her is incredibly distressing.

“Research shows that youth with disabilities are three times more at risk of abuse, and while Kaylea’s parents are to blame for her death, this case shows why effective safeguards are crucial in our communities. “A review of child protection practice should leave no stone unturned in establishing what more could have been done to protect Kaylea and, more importantly, ensure that other children do not suffer such terrible neglect unnoticed.”


Judge Griffiths said Titford would be sentenced along with her partner Sarah Lloyd-Jones on March 1 at Swansea Crown Court. He said: “There can be no doubt that this case crosses the custody threshold.” The judge told the jurors that he would grant them a 10-year exemption from jury duty, saying there had been “a lot of difficult and expert evidence.” He added: “The issue was undoubtedly unusually harrowing.”Read More…..

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