
Michael Flynn Wiki – Michael Flynn Biography

An elementary school teacher was fired for a Facebook post he made after hooligans threatened to murder and rape his family, he claimed. Michael Flynn, 52, allegedly violated his school’s social media policy by posting online after two different incidents involving a group of young people at his assisted living home, where his wife cares for their daughter full-time. disabled

On May 23, the group allegedly attempted to steal a bicycle from the front garden of his home in Gillingham, Kent. Her wife Angela, a former US police officer, says she asked them to leave before one of them threatened to stab her and bring in people who would rape her and kill her family. Mr. Flynn, who missed the confrontation because he was sleeping through a bout of diabetes, says he posted to encourage the boys’ parents to get in touch.

He now claims he was fired for his online posting, but his former employer, Twydall Primary School in Gillingham, says they parted ways over protection concerns. Flynn took to Facebook after the first alleged incident on May 23. His post read: ‘Four kids tried to steal a bike from my front lawn. When challenged, they verbally abused and threatened my wife.


‘There was a chase, a boy lost his shoes in the conflict. If this is his son, he may want to contact me before I contact the police. ‘Twydall is a small place and I’ll find it sooner or later. “So if you want to work this out calmly, I suggest the parents PM me or I’ll work it out my way.”

Michael Flynn Age

The age of Michael Flynn is 52 years.

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What happened to Michael Flynn’s family

However, the next day, the same group allegedly returned to the property with a large rock and appeared to be ready to throw it through a window before Mr. Flynn leaned out and they ran off. He says they fired him the next day. Mr. Flynn’s 22-year teaching career is now on the line and he has been forced to find a temporary job as a driver to support his disabled stepdaughter.


He said: ‘I have not stolen anything and I have not threatened anyone. I am the victim of a crime, but I am being punished.’ Mr. Flynn has taught around the world, once tutoring the children of the Mexican president. He now worries that he may never return to the profession. He said: ‘I loved teaching and this is certainly not the way I wanted to end my degree.

A school spokesperson said: “The well-being of our students is our priority and we take our responsibilities to protect children very seriously.” “We can’t talk about individual cases, but incidents that come to our attention are fully investigated and acted upon in accordance with our policies and procedures, which align with guidance from the Department of Education.”

When asked if he thought he had gone too far with his Facebook post, Flynn said: “The adrenaline was a little high. My wife had just woken me up and she told me that someone had threatened to rape her. “I wish I would have worded it a little differently, but I don’t regret taking care of my community.”


Former Louisiana police officer Ms. Flynn stays home to care for her 20-year-old daughter Alexis, who needs 24-hour care after being paralyzed from the neck down in a diving accident four years ago. . She said: ‘I have to be here 24/7 to help my daughter and I’m petrified. Those children said that they were going to come back with people who were going to kill my family and rape me.

And she added: “If they had thrown that rock out the window, Alexis wouldn’t have even been able to lift her hands up to stop him from hitting her.” The couple say vulnerable neighbors in the assisted living community are also concerned about anti-social behavior in the area.

Ms Flynn added: ‘People are afraid to go out into their garden and lie in their beds at night not knowing that everything they have worked for is safe. These criminals are holding them hostage. Police have confirmed that officers are investigating the abuse directed at Ms Flynn.


She added: ‘Children need to know that their actions have repercussions. If they don’t control it now, while these children are young, it will just get worse. ‘We have a responsibility as a community to make sure they have an impact so they can become functional adults. Every jail cell in America is filled with murderers who started out by stealing a piece of gum.Read More……

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