
Reece Radford Wiki – Reece Radford Biography

A pair of drunken thugs who murdered a good Samaritan who tried to stop them from attacking a teenage girl have been jailed for life. Reece Radford, 26, was kicked and stabbed to death after coming to the aid of a 17-year-old girl who had been attacked by Dereck Owusu at a bus stop in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

Owusu, 40, and his friend Louis James, 47, who was carrying a knife, attacked Reece, who had a seven-month-old daughter, kicking him multiple times before James fatally stabbed him in the chest. But James was not in court for Reece’s mother, Laura Radford, to face when she got justice for Doncaster prison staff sending the wrong Mr James to Sheffield Crown Court.

Instead, court staff had to quickly arrange a video link to HMP Doncaster and the proceedings were viewed remotely by Reece’s killer. James’ lawyer, Stephen Wood KC, told the court: “In a case as serious as this, it is always preferable for the defendant to be present in court to receive sentence from him.”


Reece Radford Age

The age of Reece Radford was 26 years.

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Reece Radford was stabbed to death by Dereck Owusu

Judge Sarah Wright responded: “I certainly agree, and it is quite astonishing that such a mistake should have been made and Mr. James not brought here today.” Wood acknowledged the “anguish” it caused Reece’s family, who were in court. Before sentencing, Reece’s stepfather, Mick Houghton, read a victim statement from his mother.

She described Reece as “the life and soul of the family,” adding that he would have been “the best dad in the world” to her daughter. “He wasn’t just my son, he was my best friend, my soul mate, my everything,” she said. The court heard that James, from Sheffield, and Owusu, from Rotherham, were talking and drinking with the 17-year-old at a bus stop in Arundel Gate when Reece walked by with a group of friends.


Prosecutor David Temkin KC said that after Reece witnessed Owusu beating the girl and that was the “catalyst” for her involvement, on September 29 last year, a fight broke out. Temkin said both defendants were “mad” at Reece. “What culminated in a joint attack by both defendants on a younger man, who was found on the ground, face up, subjected to serious violence,” Mr. Temkin said.

James then stabbed him in the chest and Owusu kicked him in the head “with vigor”. Owusu then stole Reece’s wallet and then used Reece’s belt to ‘hit’ those who were trying to help his victim by calling 999. James fled the scene and threw the knife down a drain. Reece died six days later from a single stab wound to the chest.

Sentencing the couple to life in prison, with Owusu receiving a minimum of 15 years and James 25, Judge Wright told them that they had been drinking all night and had been talking to the teenager for an hour before she was released. they will hit She said: ‘Reece Redford chimed in. After a very short period of time, both of them proceeded to launch an illegal joint attack on him. “Reece Radford was unarmed and his actions never suggested that he was about to draw a weapon.”Read More……


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