
Scott Seddon Wiki – Scott Seddon Biography

British paddleboarder Scott Seddon was filmed laughing and joking with a close friend as he emerged from the sea, just minutes before he was struck and killed by lightning. The keen sportsman, 26, died after being struck by lightning shortly after emerging from the water during what appeared to be clear weather on the Greek island of Rhodes. The video shows Scott full of life, athletic and clearly very happy, and gives no hint that he was in any apparent danger from a previous storm that appears to have passed.

It was handed over to MailOnline by his devastated family who want it made public to show that Scott had left the sea when the incident occurred and was not acting recklessly. Scott’s heartbroken mother said he had been having “the time of his life” before his tragic death in the freak accident Monday afternoon, when, she said, “God just decided to take him.”

Initial reports from Greece had suggested Scott died while at sea during a thunderstorm off Agia Agathi when his close friend Anna Vidamour, 24, begged her to come inside. But Scott’s mother and father, who were in the ambulance as paramedics tried to save his life, said the weather was sunny and an earlier storm had apparently passed.


Scott Seddon Age

The age of Scott Seddonwas 26 years.

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Scott Seddon cause of death

They note that the video shows there was no indication of an impending thunderstorm when he returned to the beach Monday afternoon with sunlight and partly cloudy weather. His family insist that the experienced boarder Scott knew the dangers of the sea or the climate in Greece, where they used to live for years before returning to Liverpool. His father Stephen, 68, said: “We have lived in Greece for the last 30 years.

He knows the water and respects the water. He wasn’t some dumb tourist hopping on a board to go somewhere dangerous. He was laughing coming out of the water. They put the canoes on the shore and stood on the support and hugged each other. “He was not in danger and was not swept out of the water.”


Scott, who lived with his sister Layla and his father Steve in a large bungalow in Liverpool, was described by close friends as a “lovely boy” and “very popular”. The avid athlete, who had trained to be a civil engineer and worked in the construction industry, spoke Greek and was a regular visitor to the family’s vacation home. “He was not a tourist and he knew and respected the water,” his father said.

“The locals loved him and he went to school there. ‘We are devastated. We will never get over losing him. Anna, 24, from Belfast, who was close to Scott but was not dating him (she was due on another trip soon to visit her girlfriend), had taken the video just five minutes before he was beaten.

Scott’s mother, Jackie, 56, told MailOnline: “They came out of the water and they were so happy to be out of the water.” She was laughing and she asked her friend to take the video because there was no danger. “They lowered the board and lightning struck him in the back of the head.


Scott didn’t have any metal on him, just two small earrings. ‘It seemed that the storm was gone, the danger was over. ‘It was just a freak accident. “He wasn’t on the board and I wasn’t close to him. ‘When Scott fell, he fell into the water. He was too heavy for Anna to lift, so a Brazilian came to help.

She added: ‘My son went out to have the time of his life, and God just decided to take him. Lightning struck him in an instant. It was something terrible and sad what happened. “I sent him a text so he wouldn’t come back and told him there was a storm coming so he knew it.”

Jackie and Stephen had come to pick him up to take him to his house but then they saw an ambulance. Fighting back tears, his mother said: “As we got closer to the ambulance, I saw my son’s foot. ‘I saw Anna and he told me: ‘he has been beaten’. Scott wasn’t afraid. He was one of a kind to him, he was flamboyant. A beautiful blond boy.


“He would catch octopuses and feed them to the locals.” His sister Layla, 24, said: ‘When they came out of the water it was sunny. ‘When they were on their boards, they saw a little lightning, but when they went in, he was in the distance, it had already passed. ‘There was no crazy water or lightning. The danger was gone.

Her sister added: ‘I’m numb from losing him. ‘He doesn’t feel real. Everyone adored him. The couple also posted new photos of Scott and his sister as children in tribute. Scott planned to go surfing with his girlfriend as well as run the bulls in Spain. Read More……

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