
Sean Maurice Wiki – Sean Maurice Biography

Sean Maurice a son who stabbed his ‘cruel’ father to death while high on crack after years of alleged sexual and physical abuse has been jailed for 10 years for manslaughter, after being acquitted by a murder jury.

Sean Maurice, 31, plunged a knife into the back and chest of his father, car salesman Paul Maurice, a total of 33 times during a frenzied attack on the family home in Bromley, south-east London, on 14 April. September 2021. Father-of-one Sean fled the scene through the back gardens of adjacent properties and climbed onto the roof of a shed, sparking a confrontation with police that ultimately resulted in his arrest.

Maurice, 52, labeled a “terrible father” by a judge today, told neighbors he did not want to die when he collapsed bleeding on his doorstep, the court heard. to lose… you are trying to arrest me because i hit my dad who abused me, he raped me… and you want to arrest me? What kind of fucking justice is that?


Sean admitted manslaughter, but the jury at the Old Bailey in central London acquitted him of murder after 13 hours and 11 minutes of deliberation. Wearing a white shirt and tie, he broke down and sobbed with relief as the verdict was delivered.

Later, sentencing him to 10 years in prison, Judge Dennis Watson, KC, said: “During the trial, you spoke of your father’s violence and physical abuse of you. Your sister and brother spoke of similar abuse. in their hands and the evidence. I’ve heard that I accept that their experiences were the worst. I also accept that this abuse has caused you lasting harm.

Sean Maurice Age

The age of Sean Maurice is 33 years.


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Sean Maurice son who stabbed his ‘cruel’ father to death

‘His personal situation became unstable, and he used alcohol and drugs as a way of coping with problems and stress and this must have contributed to his erratic behavior and deteriorating mental health. Watson said Sean was detained under the Mental Health Act in July 2021 before spending a brief period of time living at his father’s home. He followed a three-week stay at a rehab center but soon relapsed, the court was told.

The judge continued: ‘On 6 September he was upset when his father refused to allow her to stay at his house. On September 14, he relapsed again, drank some alcohol and crack and got into a fight with the family at his foster home. “They called you or sent you a message begging you to come back. You answered: “I will cut someone a bleeding river.” You walked to your father’s house. After 10 minutes you left, taking his phone, the car key and the bank cards. You had given him up for dead having stabbed him 33 times.Read More…..

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