
Vile Sean Robinson Wiki – Vile Sean Robinson Biography

A terrified woman was forced to have sex with a violent and unstable thug to save the life of a man she had been on a first date with. The victim was walking home from Sunderland city center with her date and was making plans to meet him again when Vile Sean Robinson attacked them without warning.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that Robinson kicked the man in the face and then subjected him to a “severe” beating before laying him unconscious and bleeding on the ground. A terrified woman was forced to have sex with a violent and unstable thug to save the life of a man she had a first date with.

The victim was walking home from Sunderland city center with her date and was making plans to meet him again when Sean Robinson attacked them without warning. Newcastle Crown Court heard Robinson kicked the man in the face and then subjected him to a ‘severe’ beating before leaving him unconscious and bleeding on the ground. sex with me will not kill him.’


Prosecutor Jane Waugh told the court that in a desperate attempt to save the man’s life, the brave victim had endured the ordeal. Ms Waugh told the court: ‘She had witnessed the horrible violence and she knew what she was capable of. She decided that, to save her life and protect herself from the defendant’s unpredictable violence, she would have to agree to have sex with him so he would leave him alone.’

The court heard that Robinson, then 17, forced the victim to lie on an old coat he found near some bushes and raped her. Miss Waugh added: “She was crying throughout this attack. The defendant told him, “If you stop, I’ll go and kill him, you know.” She kept crying while he raped her. The defendant said, “Shut up and stop being a baby.”

Vile Sean Robinson Age

The age of Vile Sean Robinson is 18 years.


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Vile Sean Robinson stalked the couple before viciously attacking them and raping the woman

Judge Stephen Earl called Robinson “dangerous” and sentenced him to five years behind bars with an extended license period of three years, with sex offender registration and a restraining order to protect victims for life. The judge said that it was an “abominable” attack with “catastrophic” consequences for the victims and told him: “You told him: ‘Come have sex with me and I will not kill him’, knowing, of course, that you had found yourself severely beat [the man] at that time, she has seen and knew what you were capable of at that time.

‘To protect herself and reasonably protect the life of her new friend, she decided to accept your suggestion to have sex with you. ‘It was not consensual sex, it was not penetration that she voluntarily indulged in. “Throughout the attack, you were berating her for crying, saying that if you had to stop because she was excited about this horrible assault, you had the option to go back and punish the man further.”

The court heard that the attack began as the couple were walking home together after their first date in the summer of 2021, when they heard screaming behind them as they approached a turnoff near the University subway station. Miss Waugh said: ‘Without provocation and without warning, the defendant lunged at the man and struck him several times. “He tried to escape, he didn’t want to fight and he made it very clear, he was saying, ‘Dude, I don’t want to fight.'”


Ms Waugh said that when the man tried to escape, Robinson chased him, caught him, slammed him to the ground and then began kicking him. Eventually, the violence stopped and the couple managed to cross a subway bridge. At this point, the man was “exhausted and bleeding” and the woman “almost carried him” in a desperate attempt to escape.

But Ms Waugh added: “The next thing they noticed the defendant had caught up with them and started attacking the man again, kicking him in the head when he was down.” The court heard it was a brutal kick to the face that knocked the man unconscious before the woman was raped. After the attack, Robinson told the woman that he would leave her alone if she agreed to come to her house. Fortunately, she was able to call her parents, who alerted the police and went to her place to save her.

Robinson was still in the area, where the victim had waited with the unconscious man after the attack, when her parents arrived. The victim’s father warned Robinson: ‘I’m going to kill you’ and he was punched before the rapist ran off and was later caught by police. It was only when she arrived at the hospital that the man who was attacked during the date learned of the rape. Both victims suffered psychological and physical injuries.


In a statement from the victim, the woman said the time since the attack has been the “worst of my life” and added that she has felt “trapped reliving the traumatic experience over and over again, becoming a prisoner in my own head”. The woman said her ordeal, which “cannot be summed up in words alone”, has been made worse by court delays and the fact that Robinson initially denied raping her.

She said: ‘The day they told me that she pleaded guilty to raping me, she just wanted to cry and cry. For the first time in what seemed like forever there were tears of relief, not sadness.” The woman said she and her family will never be the same after the “pain and grief” he has caused, but added: “My only consolation is that he will receive a long prison sentence, in which time we can rebuild our lives to resemble what we once knew.

Robinson, 18, admitted to assault and rape. Lorraine Mustard, in defense, said Robinson understands the trauma she caused that day, is sorry for it, adding: “He accepts that he ruined her life.” Miss Mustard said Robinson had a difficult childhood and spent time in the care system, but she is “hopeful” for a better future.Read More….


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