
Elizabeth Tsurkov Wiki – Elizabeth Tsurkov Biography

A Princeton University doctoral student was kidnapped by an Iranian-backed radical militia group while working for the school in Iraq, and has been missing for months. Elizabeth Tsurkov, 36, an Israeli-Russian national studying political science at the New Jersey-based Ivy League institution, was kidnapped in March by members of the Shiite group Kataeb Hezbollah in Baghdad, authorities said Wednesday.

“[Elizabeth Tsurkov] is an Israeli-Russian dual national who has been missing for several months in Iraq, where she is being held by the Shi’ite Kata’ib Hezbollah militia,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said in a statement. a statement. statement. The Israeli government “sees Iraq as responsible for its fate and security,” she said.

Elizabeth Tsurkov Age

The age of Elizabeth Tsurkov is 36 year.


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Elizabeth Tsurkov was kidnapped

The student researcher had used her Russian passport to visit the country in January “in pursuit of a doctoral thesis from Princeton University,” according to Netanyahu’s office.

Tsurkov had just left a cafe in a middle-class Baghdad neighborhood in March when she was kidnapped by members of the paramilitary group, her family and others with knowledge of the case told the New York Times.

She is also a member of the US think tank Foreign Policy Research Institute, which notes that “its investigation of her is based primarily on a large network of contacts that she has cultivated throughout the Middle East and particularly in Syria.”


Tsurkov is also a well-regarded analyst on Syria, with experience studying jihadist groups in the Middle East and degrees in international relations from Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University, the Times of Israel reported.

Her Twitter page went dark in March. “This incident is being handled by the relevant agencies in Israel out of concern for the safety and well-being of Elizabeth Tsurkov,” Netanyahu’s office said.

She is “absolutely not a member of Mossad, period, exclamation point, underline,” a senior Israeli official said at a briefing with Israeli reporters on Wednesday, denying rumors in the Arab media that she was a spy. “She is an innocent Israeli citizen doing PhD work at Princeton,” the official said. “There is no connection between the Israeli officials and Elizabeth.”


In December 2019, Kataeb Hezbollah vowed to retaliate for US military strikes in Iraq and Syria that killed 25 of its fighters and injured dozens. Princeton University did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment on Wednesday.Read More…….

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