
Hugo Skulny Wiki – Hugo Skulny Biography

The dismembered body of a soccer player was discovered on Sunday in a river in the southwestern Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Hugo Skulny, 19, had been missing since June 25 after attending a gas station party with friends in Pindoty Porã, Paraguay, police said. He was last seen when one of his friends dropped him off near his ex-girlfriend’s house in the Brazilian city of Sete Quedas.

The head of the Civil Police, Lucelia Constantino, said that the parts of Skulny’s body were abandoned in the bed of the Iguatemi river in Sete Quedas, a town on the border with Paraguay. “No head was found, just the hip, torso and thigh,” she said. Authorities were able to identify Skulny from a tattoo of his father, who died two years ago. At least one suspect, whose name was not released by police, has been arrested.

Hugo Skulny Age

The age of Hugo Skulny was 19 year.


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Hugo Skulny cause of death

On Monday, the fire brigade resumed a search in the Iguatemi River to find Skulny’s head. His remains were transferred to the Ponta Porã forensic medical center for autopsy. Skulny lived with his maternal grandmother and his brother in Sete Quedas and played for the town’s soccer club.

“They found him dead in the Iguatemi River, they dismembered him,” said his mother, Eliana Skulny, according to Campo Grande News. ‘How much cruelty in the world, my God. My son was a good boy.

The teenager had received a phone call from his grandmother around 3 a.m. and he told her that it was cold outside and that he would be home soon, his cousin Andressa Skulny told G1. The family thought that he decided not to come home and sleep elsewhere.


‘We did not expect this to have happened. Body parts were found, but the police did not find my brother’s head, the police said they would not stop until they found it,” she said. ‘How dare someone do that? This is cruel and unscrupulous.

Hugo Skulny was a freshman in college majoring in physical education. He also played for Projetinho, a club from the local municipality. “He was playing like never before, and he dreamed of excelling soon and being able to join a great team,” said Andressa Skulny. “He was even a little impatient to achieve his goals soon.”Read More…….

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