
Kouri Richins Wiki – Kouri Richins Biography

The two television news anchors who interviewed Kouri Richins the Utah mother accused of killing her husband, said they felt “cheated” and “sick” that she told them about her new children’s book after her alleged crime. . Deena Manzanares and Surae Chinn, hosts of KTVX’s “Good Things Utah,” interviewed Richins, 33, in March about the children’s picture book “Are You With Me?” which she wrote after the fatal poisoning of her husband, Eric Richins, 39, a year earlier.

“I definitely feel like we were misled, in a sense,” Chinn told Fox News of Richins publicizing his book, which was described on Amazon as “a must-read for any child who has experienced the grief of loss, and for parents who they want to give their children the emotional support they need to heal and grow.”

Kouri Richins Age

The age of Kouri Richins is 33 years.


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Kouri Richins accused of killing her husband

The hosts said Richins seemed “cold” during her interview after she sent the show’s executive producer an email containing a heart emoji in her request to sit down. “Sitting with her, we both felt… that she was a little cold. She wasn’t super emotional. But again, we are trying to show our guests in the best light. We are trying to be on her side, ”Manzanares told the outlet.

They said Richins described Eric’s death as sudden, but she did not address the cause on air. Chinn recalled wondering at the time how the author “could take care of his children, write a book too, cry with her children, and then go on a show to promote the book that she also wrote.”

Asked by Manzanares after the interview what she thought happened to her husband, Kouri said she believed it was “COVID related” and that Eric had a “lung problem,” according to Fox News. The host said the show received an anonymous message the next morning saying, “Wow! ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡


They thought the email was “weird” and “alarming” but didn’t pay much attention to it because they often receive “crazy” emails.But the letter proved prescient when Richins was indicted in May. “I’m disgusted now that, okay, she’s sat on our couch, she’s talked about bereavement and we’ve shown such compassion and empathy for what she apparently looks like a grieving widow,” Chinn told Fox News.

She also suggested that Richins may have already known that she was being considered a suspect when she requested the interview because authorities had already searched her home and questioned her multiple times. “That’s what I think is scary for her and that’s what makes me question what she’s dealing with, if it’s a mental illness, is it a personality disorder,” Manzanares said.

“I have no idea. But what makes someone behave like that and then put up whatever facade she put up to appear as the grieving mother, unquote? It’s really mind blowing,” she added. Richins wrote the tear gas after she allegedly poisoned her husband with a fentanyl-laced Moscow Mule.


“She completely took us all by surprise. We have three young children, ages 10, 9, and 6, and my children and I wrote this book about the different emotions and grief processes we’ve experienced in the last year,” she said on the show. Eric suspected she had been having an extramarital affair, family attorney Greg Skordas said.

He told The Post that, despite Eric’s alarming suspicions, he stayed with his wife to prevent his children from growing up in a broken home. Eric had previously told a friend that he believed Kouri was trying to poison him after he fell ill after a Valentine’s Day dinner the month before he died, according to court documents in the battle over his $3.6 million estate.

He died a day before she closed a $2 million deal to buy a 22,000-square-foot home, a deal he had refused to pay, according to the documents. Richins was charged with first degree aggravated murder and multiple counts of second degree possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute.Read More…….


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