
Lesly Wiki – Lesly Biography

Thirteen-year-old Lesly built camps out of headbands to keep her three younger brothers safe while they were lost in the Amazon jungle for six weeks, as her aunt and grandmother recounted their pride. The children, Lesly, 13, Soleiny, nine, Tien Noriel, four, and baby Cristin were traveling in a small plane on May 1 when it crashed. In the accident everyone on board died, the mother of the children Magdalena Mucutui Valencia, the pilot and an indigenous leader.

Officials in the South American country announced their rescue on Friday, bringing a happy ending to a checkered saga as searchers frantically combed through the rainforest in search of the youngsters. The four children’s aunt said a “survival game” they played must have prepared them for the ordeal. Damarys Mucutuy told the Caracol news network that children of thirteen and nine years old used to play the game before their time in the jungle. “When we played, we would set up like little camps,” she said.

Lesly, the eldest, ‘knew what fruits she can’t eat because there are many poisonous fruits in the forest. And she knew how to take care of a baby,” the aunt added. In photos released by the military, hair ties could be seen between branches on the jungle floor. The children’s grandmother, Fátima Valencia, said after the rescue: “I am very grateful, and also to mother earth, that they have been released.”


Lesly Age

the age of Lesly is 13 years.

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Four Amazon children, aged one, four, nine and 13, have miraculously been found alive in Colombian jungle surviving plane crash

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She explained that the oldest of the four was used to taking care of the other three when his mother was at work, and this helped them survive in the jungle, according to the BBC. “She gave them cassava flour and bread, any fruit from the bush, they know what they should eat,” said Ms. Valencia. “They were raised by their grandmother,” said John Moreno, leader of the Guanano group in Vaupés, in southeastern Colombia, where the children were raised. ‘They used what they learned in the community, they relied on their ancestral knowledge to survive.’

Now the children have received treatment at a military hospital in the capital, Bogotá. After the brothers were found alive, army radios could be heard saying: ‘Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle’, the army code for a child found alive and repeated several times to reflect the four children. President Gustavo Petro celebrated the news upon his return from Cuba, where he signed a ceasefire with representatives of the National Liberation Army rebel group.


Petro called them an “example of survival” and predicted that their saga “will remain in history.” Damaris Mucutuy, the children’s aunt, told a radio station that “the children are fine” despite signs of dehydration and insect bites. Mucutuy, who arrived at the hospital early yesterday morning with other relatives, said the children were offered mental health services.

“The jungle saved them,” said Petro. “They are children of the jungle, and now they are also children of Colombia.” After the brothers were found alive, army radios could be heard saying: ‘Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle’, the army code for a child found alive and repeated several times to reflect the four children.

President Gustavo Petro celebrated the news upon his return from Cuba, where he signed a ceasefire with representatives of the National Liberation Army rebel group. Petro called them an “example of survival” and predicted that their saga “will remain in history.” Damaris Mucutuy, the children’s aunt, told a radio station that “the children are fine” despite signs of dehydration and insect bites.


Mucutuy, who arrived at the hospital early yesterday morning with other relatives, said the children were offered mental health services. “The jungle saved them,” said Petro. “They are children of the jungle, and now they are also children of Colombia.” When the wreckage of the plane was found after weeks of hunting, not only were the dead children not found alongside the adults, but there was half-eaten fruit suggesting that all had survived.

That sparked a huge manhunt through miles of dense and remote Amazon jungle and the president, Gustavo Petro, mistakenly raised false hopes when he said they were safe only to retract his statement and say there was only evidence they might still be alive. After they were miraculously found, dramatic footage shows how the four children were loaded into a rescue helicopter, bitten, dehydrated and malnourished, but thankfully alive, and taken to safety for medical treatment.

But rescue efforts intensified, and he delivered the news the watching country and world had come to expect. “It’s a joy for the whole country,” Petro tweeted. “They were alone, they themselves achieved an example of total survival that will remain in history.” The brothers, members of the Huitoto indigenous group, are dehydrated, malnourished and bitten by insects, but otherwise healthy, rescuers said.


Her grandmother, whose voice was played from a plane over the jungle during the search to reassure young people who were being sought, told reporters: “I never gave up hope, I always supported the search.” I feel very happy, I thank President Petro and my ‘countrymen’ who went through so many difficulties’. During the night, an army helicopter flew over the treetops, took the four on board and took them to the hospital for checkups. The delighted soldiers had earlier posed for pictures with the children, who looked gaunt.

After their discovery, the children were treated by doctors from the Special Operations Command deployed in the area and then transferred by helicopter to the San José del Guaviare military base, where they were stabilized. The children’s grandfather told Noticias Caracol that he was very grateful to the army for helping to find them and added “I want to see them.” The story of survival is all the more miraculous as the jungle is home to jaguars, pumas, snakes and other predators, as well as armed groups that traffic drugs and terrorize local populations.

Defense Minister Iván Velásquez paid tribute to the “unwavering and tireless” work of the different Army units, as well as the indigenous people who participated in the search. Army rescuers “immediately took charge and stabilized” the four brothers, who were going to be transferred to San José del Guaviare, according to the minister. “Tomorrow, depending on their evaluation and medical condition, we expect them to be transferred to Bogotá, to the military hospital,” Velásquez said.


The drama began to unfold on May 1 when the group took a routine flight in a Cessna 206 from Araracuara to the town of San José del Guaviare. In a country with such a dense jungle, small planes and boats are often the only viable means of transportation. Minutes into the 220-mile (350-kilometer) journey, the pilot reported engine trouble and the plane disappeared from radar. Between May 15 and 16, soldiers found the bodies of the three adults and the debris of the plane, which was stuck vertically in the thick vegetation, with its nose smashed.

But the children, Lesly, 13, Soleiny, nine, Tien Noriel, four, and baby Cristin, were still missing. Some 200 soldiers and indigenous people with knowledge of the terrain have been combing a dense jungle area of about 124 square miles (320 square kilometers), about twice the size of Washington DC. The air force had dropped 10,000 fliers into the forest with instructions in Spanish and the children’s indigenous Huitoto language, telling them to stay put.

The brochures also included survival tips, and the army has left food packets and bottled water for the children. Powerful searchlights were turned on in the area “so that the minors come closer to us,” said the member of the search team, Colonel Fausto Avellaneda, on the Noticias Caracol television program. Huitoto children learn to hunt, fish and gather, and the children’s grandfather, Fidencio Valencia, said the children know the jungle well.


At one point, the search team believed it had come within 300 feet (100 m) of them, but storms, thick vegetation, and swampy terrain prevented them from reaching them. Members of the indigenous community performed traditional ceremonies ‘talking to the jungle’ and asking it to hand over the children. But the jungle began to give tantalizing clues that the hopes of the youngsters were not lost. In photographs released by the military, you could see scissors,

shoes and headbands could be seen among the branches on the jungle floor. A baby’s bottle and half-eaten pieces of fruit had been seen prior to the discovery of the shelter. Then, almost two weeks ago, a footprint was found in the muddy jungle floor. Army officials believed it belonged to 13-year-old Lesly. Leaders of the Huitoto indigenous group expressed hope that the children’s knowledge of fruit and jungle survival skills would give them a better chance of being found alive.

Boxes of food were thrown on the jungle floor to help support the children. And yesterday, the efforts paid off when one of the rescue dogs that had been hot on his trail led soldiers to the group, the president confirmed. They had been following the tracks left in the muddy ground. “The jungle saved them,” said Petro. “They are children of the jungle, and now they are also children of Colombia.”Read More…...


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