
Rosie Frankish Wiki – Rosie Frankish Biography

A woman who was savagely beaten and smeared with dog excrement by her ex-partner in a six-hour ordeal managed to escape after uttering five words to a quick-thinking taxi driver. Rosie Frankish, 26-year-old mother of two, from Warrington, Cheshire, was locked in an abusive relationship with 33-year-old Daniel Little, who refused to let her get on with her life when she tried to separate from him.

Little had just been released from police custody for attacking a stranger when he appeared at Miss Frankish’s home one night in December last year, banging on her door and demanding to be let in. Once inside her, he grabbed her by the neck and subjected her to six hours of repeated punching, kicking, and slapping as he blamed her for everything wrong in her life.

Miss Frankish said: “She was telling me that it was all my fault, that I had taken her family from her and that I would have to pay for it.” She knew the attack was coming. Her eyes were completely dead. She had no way of communicating with him. She said that when her dog, scared of her, defecated inside the house because the doors were locked, Little smeared the feces on her face, rubbing it on her cheeks and hair with a towel.


Little obsessed even forced Miss Frankish to sit on her toilet seat while he bathed himself, determined not to let her out of his sight. Finally, after he decided that he needed to go home to get some clothes, he dragged Miss Frankish, still in her pajamas and covered in dog feces, into the back of the cab.

Rosie Frankish Age

The age of Rosie Frankish is 26 years.

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Rosie Frankish was beaten and smeared with dog excrement by her ex-partner

She said: ‘The taxi ride only took about ten minutes, but it felt like forever. My mind was full of possibilities, I thought about throwing myself on the road or shouting out the windows for help. However, she saw her chance when Little got out first and told the taxi driver as soon as his abuser got out of the car: ‘Please drive. Just go. Now.’


She added: ‘As he was walking away, Daniel was grabbing the door, trying to get back inside. I just escaped. I want all women to see his face and know what he is capable of. Miss Frankish said she thought Little was going to kill her that night and she was left with bruises for weeks after the attack.

Last week Little was jailed for three years and seven months at Liverpool Crown Court after admitting to assault causing actual bodily harm and false imprisonment. Miss Frankish said she met her former partner seven and a half years ago when she was pregnant with her first child and she was facing the prospect of being a single mother.

She described him as “charming, very playful and confident” in the early days of her relationship and he was supportive and loving when her baby was born. After establishing a home, the couple had a child together the following year. But it was during her second pregnancy that Miss Frankish said Little began abusing her. She said: “I was three months pregnant when she grabbed my hair in an argument.”


Despite this, Miss Frankish said that she was determined to stay with Little for the sake of her children, even as he became increasingly controlling and violent, forcing her to hand over the phone and keys once that she was home. In 2020, the couple separated, and two years later, she heard from Little again as he begged to see the children. Hesitantly, Miss Frankish agreed to let him go out with him, saying that the arrangement worked out well at first.

But she backed down once he became ‘possessive and controlling’ again, telling her that he could only see the children on supervised visits with another adult present. Little is said to have taken the news badly and his behavior deteriorated, eventually leading to his arrest for attacking a stranger in December 2022. On being released, he immediately went to the address where Miss Frankish and the children lived.

After letting him in, Miss Frankish says he immediately grabbed her by the throat and threw her against the fridge freezer before dragging her upstairs, where she continued her attack. In between punches, she said he forced her to hold him and promised not to hit her again, before resuming the attack “like it was all part of some sick game.”


It wasn’t until six hours later that Little decided she needed to pick up some clothes and called a cab. When she got out of the vehicle to light a cigarette, Miss Frankish saw an opportunity to escape. She says, “I knew Daniel was looking at me, waiting for me to come out after him, so I said very quietly, without moving my face, ‘Please drive. Just go away. Now”.

The taxi driver said, “Where do you want me to go?” and I saw Daniel’s hand reach for the door handle. It was like it happened in slow motion. ‘I yelled and the driver just put his foot down and we were off. I couldn’t believe it was over. He took me to the police station and I got help.

Ms Frankish was taken to hospital with severe cuts and bruises, including a black eye, hearing loss in her left ear, a 10cm bruise from her shoulder to her elbow, a 5cm bruise on her chest and swelling on her head and scalp. The officers arrested Little shortly thereafter. Last week she appeared in Liverpool Crown Court and admitted to assault and wrongful arrest.


In her impact statement, Ms Frankish told the court: ‘Psychologically, this has affected me. I can not sleep well. “I feel like I can’t talk to anyone but my family. I feel vulnerable as a result. ‘When I close my eyes, I can see her face from that night. I used to love being alone, but now I can’t do that.’

In mitigation, the court heard how Little was “deeply ashamed” of her behaviour. His lawyer said: ‘He accepts that he needs to be in prison. He knows that he must be punished. Little has a long record of 17 prior convictions for 34 crimes, including for violence.

In closing, recorder Michael Blakey described the attack as a “prolonged and persistent attack.” ‘There is serious psychological damage. You humiliated that lady,’ he said. Little was sentenced to three years and seven months in prison, of which he will serve half before being released on license.


Miss Frankish said: ‘I think his sentence should have been much longer. He could have killed me that night, and maybe would have if he hadn’t had it for the cab ride. “I feel deeply traumatized by what he did. Daniel’s goal was to ruin me, but that won’t happen. I won’t let him win. I am building a new life for myself and my children, and our love is much stronger than their hate.Read More…….

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