
Saju Chelavalel Wiki – Saju Chelavalel  Biography

An evil father who strangled his wife and their two young children with a dressing gown cord while drunk then held a knife to his throat before being Tasered by police has been jailed for life. Saju Chelavalel attacked NHS nurse Anju Asok before throttling Jeeva Saju, six, and Janvi Saju, four, with a dressing gown cord.

A court heard he also tried to poison the children and made audio recordings as he strangled his wife while his son and daughter screamed: ‘Mummy’. Concerned neighbours alerted police after Saju failed to arrive for work at Kettering General Hospital and officers broke down the door to be confronted by Chelavalel.

Shocking body-cam footage shows him holding a knife and shouting ‘shoot me’ before he was Tasered. The lifeless bodies of tragic Anju, Jeeva and Janvi were then discovered in a nearby room at the at the property in Kettering, Northamptonshire, on December 14 last year. Chelavalel previously admitted murder and was today jailed for life, to serve a minimum of 40 years.


Northampton Crown Court the monster drank half a bottle of Jack Daniels and murdered his wife at around 10pm. Prosecutors said Chelavalel falsely suspected his wife of being unfaithful when he violently choked her in the prolonged attack a few days before Christmas. He then penned a suicide note detailing his crime before trying to poison his son and daughter with a chilling cocktail of chocolate, sugar, water and sleeping pills.

When they rejected the deadly concoction, Chelavalel strangled both children and left their bodies together in a bedroom at around 2.30am. Chelavalel sobbed as distressing audio footage was played to the court where coughs, screams and crying could be heard as he strangled his wife.

Body worn video footage released by Northamptonshire Police after the hearing showed the killer urging police to shoot him at his home in Kettering, where he also left instructions for his own and his family’s bodies to be cremated in India. The footage, filmed after officers broke the glass in a patio door to gain access to the ground-floor flat in Petherton Court, shows them issuing repeated warnings for Chelavalel to drop a knife before his arrest.


Ms Asok, aged 35, worked as a nurse at Kettering General Hospital. Her body was found on the floor of a bedroom at the flat, while the children’s bodies were found next to each other on a double bed in a different room. Opening the facts of the case, prosecutor James Newton-Price KC said that the killer was arrested following a 999 call at 11.12am on December 15, after a neighbour saw him apparently unable to speak.

After officers smashed a window to gain access to the property, Mr Newton-Price said, Chelavalel was seen to be holding a knife to his own throat  The barrister told the court: ‘He responded (to the officers) with words to the effect of: ‘I am going to kill myself’. He said: ‘You shoot me, you shoot me’.’

Saju Chelavalel Age

The age of Saju Chelavalel is  not declared


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Saju Chelavalel sentenced for life

Chelavalel was tasered and handcuffed before police then discovered the dead bodies of his family. A letter written by Chelavalel in English was found at the scene, in which he made unsupported accusations about his wife being unfaithful and claimed to have cryptocurrency investments and £5,000 in other funds.

The letter stated: ‘Please use this amount to transfer our corpses to India.’ The court heard that no evidence whatsoever of any affair was found on Ms Asok’s phone, but that searches for women on dating sites were made by Chelavalel on December 3 and 12. Part of the audio recording made by Chelavalel was played to the court, with Mr Newton-Price telling Mr Justice Pepperall: ‘The word ‘mummy’ can be heard and the defendant whispering.’

He said of coughing sounds heard on the recording: ‘We suspect that that may be the moment of strangulation (of Ms Asok) but we can’t say that with absolute certainty.’ During police interviews, Chelavalel claimed he could not remember killing his children, but said he had lost control of himself when his wife made an offensive comment about his mother.


Offering mitigation, defence KC George Carter-Stephenson said the circumstances of the case were tragic in the extreme for relatives of the victims. He said of Chelavalel: ‘They are also tragic for this particular defendant. Whatever sentence the court imposes on him today he has to live with the knowledge of what he did on that particular night.’

Addressing Chelavalel’s claims that his wife was unfaithful to him, Mr Carter-Stephenson said: ‘Although there is no evidence of it, it is something that he had believed. ‘That belief was obviously wrong. But he continues to hold that view.’ Chelavalel’s possession of a knife during his arrest was part of his intent to end his own life, the defence KC argued.

The audio recording was made because it ‘was simply left on’ from a period when the children were heard singing, Mr Carter-Stephenson added. Passing sentence, High Court judge Mr Justice Pepperall told Chelavalel his actions had been brutal and ‘extraordinarily selfish’.


The judge said both child victims would have been ‘terrified and deeply traumatised’ after hearing their mother’s murder. Both children could have been brought up by other relatives, the judge told Chelavalel, who he said had killed his wife in a ‘fit of rage’ after a minor argument.

The judge said: ‘Fuelled by alcohol, wallowing in self-pity, engulfed in your resentment at your wife’s pe Chelavalel showed no emotion as the judge added: ‘Even if you had been right in your suspicions, let me make clear that nothing could possibly justify violence, let alone the brutal murders of your family.

‘I should make plain that the police did indeed investigate your claim (of an affair) and found no evidence whatsoever that your wife was involved with another man. ‘Not only was her supposed infidelity a figment of your imagination but the police investigation revealed your hypocrisy in that it was you, and not your wife, who had been searching dating websites in the days leading up to these offences.


‘Your attack upon your wife was recorded. While you were squeezing the life out of your wife, your young children can be heard crying in the background for their mummy. Having listened to that harrowing recording, I cannot be sure that they were eye-witnesses to their mother’s murder but it is clear that they heard what was going on and knew that she was being hurt by you.’

The judge said the evidence showed that within minutes of murdering his wife at about 10pm on December 14, Chelavalel decided his children must also die. The judge continued: ‘No psychiatric evidence is put before me to explain any disordered thinking that led you to that extraordinarily selfish and callous conclusion.

‘At some point after 2.30am, you then strangled both children. ‘Immediate triggers were a pesky argument over the children’s clothes for the next day and your belief that your wife had insulted your mother. ‘Underlying those matters was your longstanding brooding sense of grievance that you believed Anju had been having an affair. ‘You were later to be insistent that the police should investigate that matter and believed it to be true.


‘Even if you had been right in your suspicion, let me make clear, nothing possibly justifies violence, let alone the brutal murder of your family.’ The judge added: ‘The police did investigate your claim and found no evidence whatsoever of your wife’s involvement with another man. ‘It was you and not your wife that had been searching dating sites for other women in the days leading up to this incident.

‘While you were squeezing the life out of your wife your young children can be heard screaming for their mummy. ‘Having listened to that harrowing account I cannot be sure that they were not eye-witnesses to their mother’s murder. ‘It is clear that they knew what was going on and that she was being hurt by you.

‘I accept that you attacked her in an alcohol-fueled rage and her murder was not premeditated. Your wife would have initially lost consciousness, but only died because you maintained that pressure for a period of time. ‘You reached the decision that both children must die. ‘You ground up tablets and then put them in a chocolate drink.


‘One child is recorded 20 minutes after your wife’s murder complaining that the drink made them sick. The children rejected the poison. ‘On your own account, you went to sleep with your children. ‘You planned to kill them and take your own life. At some point after 2.30am you then strangled both children, your six-year-old son first then your four-year-old daughter.

‘Your children would have been terrified and deeply horrified by the attack on their mother. ‘Each of your victims would have suffered physically and mentally as they fought to breathe as they lost consciousness. A family man does not kill his wife.’

Speaking to the media outside the court building, Detective Inspector Simon Barnes said the murdered children went to Kettering Park Infant Academy. He said: ‘The staff at the school described the children as kind, caring, gentle, playful, polite and smiley. They are much missed.


‘How do you explain to children as young as four that the friends they were playing with only days before are no longer with us? You shouldn’t have to. No one should.’As an adult, detective and father, I cannot comprehend how Saju Chelavalel could do this and don’t think I ever will.

‘There is no amount of time behind bars that will ever be enough for what he did. His primary role as a husband and a father was to protect his family from harm.’ In a statement, a spokesperson for the family said: ‘The life of Anju’s parents and siblings back in India will never be the same without her.

‘She came to this country with a lot of expectations and dreams. She was not expecting a tragic death from her husband, whom she trusted. ‘Her only surviving sister and the aunt of Jeeva and Janvi is so traumatised that she hasn’t recovered from this incident’s mental shock and deep scars.


‘Indeed, she was hospitalised for a week in India due to the shock of what happened.’ He also went on to explain how Chelavalel had caused ‘deep upset’ by trying to contact Anju’s family from prison. The court also heard from Sarah Powell – the headteacher of Kettering Park Infant Academy, where Jeeva and Janvi attended school.

She described Jeeva and Janvi as valued and much-missed members of the school community. She said: ‘I am incredibly proud of how the school community have all worked together to try and understand what has happened and we were privileged to hold a memorial to remember Janvi, Jeeva and their mother Anju with the support of our Trust and Governors.

‘We have two colourful benches in our playground to remember them both. Having the two police officers and next of kin present during this memorial meant a lot to our whole school community. ‘The school have also created an album of memories of the children from their time at the school.’Read More……..


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